Quest for the perfect shampoo for your pet dog

Dog shampoo, pet care shampoos, shampoos for Dogs, Pet care India, pet grooming products, Dog grooming kitTake a walk down the aisle of the local pet shop in your neighborhood and you will be amazed at the wide range and variety in shampoos meant for your dogs. My friend Rita went to buy a shampoo for dog and returned home all the more confused. Her dilemma in buying the right shampoo for her dog made me write this blog as I am also a dog lover and own a pet dog myself.

Selecting the right shampoo for your pet is very easy if a little time is taken to think and do a little bit of survey and research when you want to buy the best shampoo for your pooch.

  • Understand the skin and hair type of dogs, this helps you in selecting the right shampoo for your dog as certain types of skin and hair of pets require special care and your pet will thank you for the same.
  • In case your canine is infested with fleas and ticks, it is best to consult a vet and get his guidance in buying the right shampoo for your pet and also ensuring that the shampoo can be used along with the prescribed medication.
  • Indoor pets generally do not get dirty and do not require bathing often whereas the same cannot be said about outdoor dogs which taken for running or hiking. A pet owner should buy a shampoo after taking into account the lifestyle of his pet.
  • If your pet dog is suffering from the problem of dry skin, it is best to buy a shampoo with aloe Vera as the main ingredient in it. Goldies shampoo from Indian Pet store for dogs containing aloe Vera, menthol and camphor is the best buy for pets suffering from dry skin.
  • For dogs suffering from scratching, it is best to use and anti-itch shampoo. Also for dogs suffering for heavy hair loss which could be due to varied reasons, one can try the Himalaya Erina EP shampoo 200 ml which comes with conditioner and is especially meant to be used on dogs with hair loss.

Identifying the special needs of your pooch based on climatic, allergic and medical grounds is very important to buy the right shampoo for your pet.