Brushes and combs, a must have in pet grooming

Dog brushes, Dog combs online, Online Dog grooming kit, Dog grooming tool, Dog flea remover, Pet ticks Control, pet care India, Online pet store in IndiaA dog’s hair requires regular maintenance and care to remove mats, lice. Tangles, ticks, and mites. Such Mane  care is as important as giving food, water and regular exercise to your pet. This forms the first step in grooming of dog. Regular combing helps in stimulating the natural oil in its skin and in giving its coat a shiny and healthy look.

Periodic combing and brushing of a pooch’s hair helps in preventing the hair from falling on the clothes, carpets and in other areas of the house.

The right comb and brushing techniques generally depends on your pet companion’s, hair type. This forms the basis of dog grooming or Dog grooming kit.

The main three types of brushes available are bristles, wire-pin and slicker. Bristle brushes can be used to comb all type of dogs. Whereas wire-pin is generally suited for dogs with long, curly or woolly coats.

Generally retrievers and hounds can be brushed using a soft to medium spaced brush with closely spaced bristles. A slicker or firm bristled brush with short closely spaced bristles works well on Terriers. Spaniels and Lhasa Apsos having medium to long flowing coats can brushed with medium to wide spaced brush.

Here I would like a special mention about the use of steel comb with wooden handle to kick out fleas and ticks immediately. This can be easily purchased from the online site  of IndiaPetStore.

The double sided wooden brush and pets’ slicker brush available in both steel and plastic body makes for an ideal brush facilitating easy removal of fleas from the body of both dogs and cats. This can be purchased at the click of a button through online shopping from IndianPetStore.

Choose a flea Comb for your pet to avoid the nuisance and headache of fleas and ticks. It is also the most efficient and natural way to make your furry friend comfortable for which your pet will love you all the   more.

Some dog grooming tips that must not be ignored

Dog grooming, online pet grooming, grooming products, Online dog grooming kit, pet grooming products, Dog grooming products online, pet shop Online, Online pet store, Dog store India, Pet grooming online India,Pet care IndiaAdopting and taking care of pets is a matter of huge responsibility. Just feeding it and pampering it is not essential, grooming the dog appropriately is very crucial.

There are various criteria that need to be followed while grooming the dog, each one of these have to be fulfilled with equal importance so that grooming session for a dog is not incomplete.

Brushing the dog

Brushing the dog is the first thing that one has to remember while grooming it. Frequency of brushing the dog’s coat depends on the length of dog hair.

Dogs with long hair will require regular brushing to avoid any matt formation, dogs with medium hair length will require brushing at least thrice a week while dogs with short hair will require brushing twice a week.

Brushing provides a sense of relief to the pooch and also keeps away fleas and ticks away from the pooch’s hair. IndianPetStore provides different types of dog grooming combs which are designed for different types of dog coat.

Ear care

The ear is usually the most ignored part of dog grooming. Improper ear cleaning leads to infection in dog’s ear and which may consequently take a worse turn. Proper ear cleaning is done with the help of right ear bud, ear cleaner and of course the right way of doing so. Initially rake a vet’s help in cleaning the dog’s ear and buy the best ear cleaning products from a leading online pet store.

Nail trimming

Nail trimming must be done cautiously as if the dog gets hurt, it will develop a negative attitude towards the same. When nail trimming is done for the first time, it must be done very carefully and preferably by the suggestion of a vet. If the dog gets hurt then care must be taken to stop bleeding at once. One must be extra careful in trimming the dog’s nail.


Shampooing the dog is another thing that must not be ignored at any cost. Shampooing the dog depends on the dog breed so one must ask the vet regarding the same. Sometimes due to cold weather it may not be possible to bath it always so it is better to apply dry bathing on the pooch. One can get the necessary dry bathing products from leading pet store in India to assure proper grooming for the dog.

These some simple yet essential tips that is required for grooming the pooch in the most appropriate manner.

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The importance of keeping the dog grooming kit always ready

Dog grooming kit, Dog grooming, Pet grooming tool, pet grooming prodcuts, Indian pet grooming Dog grooming is very vital keeping into consideration the health of the dog. Just like we humans need grooming from all aspect the same rule applies to dogs as well. It has been observed that dogs that are groomed properly they are always in a better state of health as compared to dogs that are not groomed in the right manner.

So let’s see what is essential in grooming the dog.

The right grooming kit

Dog grooming is incomplete without the right grooming kit, so this is the first requirement. Let us see what is required for grooming the dog in the right manner

Things that must be included in the dog grooming kit

  • Tooth brush
  • Tooth paste
  • Comb
  • Conditioner
  • Shampoo
  • Ear bud
  • Ear care lotion

Grooming the dog will keep it free from all types of pests including fleas and ticks. This is not possible unless the grooming kit is not maintained properly. Just to do this, it is essential that the grooming kit must have all types of essential grooming tools.

Grooming helps the dog to stay in a top condition and also keeps its coat in a tip-top condition. Every breed of dog has a different requirement in terms of hair combing so the comb that will be in the grooming kit must match with the grooming requirement of the breed.

Grooming also ensures that the gum and teeth of the dog is in top condition and free from all types of tarter formation. Without the proper dental care tool, this is not possible.

If the grooming kit is kept ready then it will be easy to maintain the health of the dog. Just by looking at the kit one will come to know what things are required to groom the dog. More than this one has to ensure that all these things are of latest quality and will suit the dog from all aspects.

Your pet needs dog grooming products to stay healthy

Your pet needs dog grooming products to stay healthy


Dog grooming products,Dog grooming kit,Dog grooming,pet grooming kit,dog grooming kit,online dog grooming kit,Pet Store,Online Pet Store,Online Pet Store India,Pet Shop,Pet shop Online,Online pet shop India,online pet shop,Buy pet products,Pet Supplies,Wholesale pet supplies,Pet Products     Do you want a smart and good looking pet at home? Then you should buy some smashing dog grooming products. Yes to clean your pet one has to spend a few pennies and quality time with their pet.
Dog care and health of your dog are interdependent. If you want well groomed pet then dog cleaning products such as bath accessories, shampoo, conditioner, dog coat shiner and flea comb are necessary.

Being a parent of pet happiness and health is priority things for owners. And to have healthy and smart pet cleaning and grooming him regularly is important. Dog grooming sessions enhance the personality of your pet.

  • Dog grooming products such as bath accessories will keep your pet: odor free deodorized and will also reduce skin irritations like itching and scratching to them.
  • Stain removers will keep your pet free from fleas and their common attacks.
  • Grooming products also include flea and tick products to keep your pet free from fleas and ticks.
  • Dog grooming sessions help establishing a strong relationship between the pet and the owner.
  • Dog grooming also helps pet owners to keep close watch on health of pet, to monitor skin problems that occur to them and a lot more.

There are tremendous benefits that your pet can take with the help of grooming sessions. So what are you thinking to place your order ate trusted online shop Indian pet Store and avail these amazing products. One can check for different pet accessories at this shop as they also offer dog cages, dog feeding bowls, dog collars and lot many things for the luxurious life of your pet.

Visit us at:- Online Dog Store | Join us on :- online dog store | Buy here:- dog grooming kits

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