The importance of keeping the dog grooming kit always ready

Dog grooming kit, Dog grooming, Pet grooming tool, pet grooming prodcuts, Indian pet grooming Dog grooming is very vital keeping into consideration the health of the dog. Just like we humans need grooming from all aspect the same rule applies to dogs as well. It has been observed that dogs that are groomed properly they are always in a better state of health as compared to dogs that are not groomed in the right manner.

So let’s see what is essential in grooming the dog.

The right grooming kit

Dog grooming is incomplete without the right grooming kit, so this is the first requirement. Let us see what is required for grooming the dog in the right manner

Things that must be included in the dog grooming kit

  • Tooth brush
  • Tooth paste
  • Comb
  • Conditioner
  • Shampoo
  • Ear bud
  • Ear care lotion

Grooming the dog will keep it free from all types of pests including fleas and ticks. This is not possible unless the grooming kit is not maintained properly. Just to do this, it is essential that the grooming kit must have all types of essential grooming tools.

Grooming helps the dog to stay in a top condition and also keeps its coat in a tip-top condition. Every breed of dog has a different requirement in terms of hair combing so the comb that will be in the grooming kit must match with the grooming requirement of the breed.

Grooming also ensures that the gum and teeth of the dog is in top condition and free from all types of tarter formation. Without the proper dental care tool, this is not possible.

If the grooming kit is kept ready then it will be easy to maintain the health of the dog. Just by looking at the kit one will come to know what things are required to groom the dog. More than this one has to ensure that all these things are of latest quality and will suit the dog from all aspects.

Your pet needs dog grooming products to stay healthy

Your pet needs dog grooming products to stay healthy


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Dog care and health of your dog are interdependent. If you want well groomed pet then dog cleaning products such as bath accessories, shampoo, conditioner, dog coat shiner and flea comb are necessary.

Being a parent of pet happiness and health is priority things for owners. And to have healthy and smart pet cleaning and grooming him regularly is important. Dog grooming sessions enhance the personality of your pet.

  • Dog grooming products such as bath accessories will keep your pet: odor free deodorized and will also reduce skin irritations like itching and scratching to them.
  • Stain removers will keep your pet free from fleas and their common attacks.
  • Grooming products also include flea and tick products to keep your pet free from fleas and ticks.
  • Dog grooming sessions help establishing a strong relationship between the pet and the owner.
  • Dog grooming also helps pet owners to keep close watch on health of pet, to monitor skin problems that occur to them and a lot more.

There are tremendous benefits that your pet can take with the help of grooming sessions. So what are you thinking to place your order ate trusted online shop Indian pet Store and avail these amazing products. One can check for different pet accessories at this shop as they also offer dog cages, dog feeding bowls, dog collars and lot many things for the luxurious life of your pet.

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What are alternatives to Dog Shampoo

What are alternatives to Dog Shampoo


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Baking soda:Baking soda is cheapest alternative to dog shampoo. Take few baking soda, sprinkle it on dog skin, and wash it thoroughly with plenty of water. It has very strong flea killing ability to kill flea, it dehydrates them and kills them. However, it can kill flea eggs and larvae not adult fleas.

Oatmeal :Oatmeal is best natural dog shampoo for dry skin itchy and allergic reactions. Take 1 cup of oatmeal, grind it into fine powder and mix it with one half cup of fine baking soda powder. To wash dog, use this powder to wash dog. For best results, you can use warm water to bath. First wet your dogs, spread this mixture, massage it well and wash it thoroughly.

Lavender oil: Lavender oil has good fragrance and antibacterial action just perfect for dog shampoo. The good smell will help to repel flea and ticks. This is most safe and economical dog shampoo for dogs. Just put few drops of lavender in water or vinegar.

These are few best alternatives to commercial dog shampoo. These are all safe and risk free alternatives for you.

visit us at:- pet shop | Join us on :- Pet Store Online | Buy here:- dog shampoo brands

What is the difference between dog shampoo and Human shampoo

What is the difference between dog shampoo and Human shampoo


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PH Balance:Shampoos are designed according to PH level of skin. Human skin has acidic PH level between 5.2 to 6.2, whereas dog skin has alkaline or basic PH level between 5.5 to 7.5. This difference has great impact on the working mechanism of shampoos. If you are using human shampoo on dogs, it will create skin problems such as dry and itchy skin, PH imbalance etc.

Insect control:Human shampoos are not formulated to control different insects. However, dog shampoos are designed in such way that it will control growth different insects such as lice, flea and ticks. Therefore, if you are using human shampoos in dogs, it will not kill any fleas and infestation may lead to different skin problems and health problems.

Dandruff control is different:The causes of dandruff in human and dogs are different. So human shampoo designed for dandruff control contains different chemicals and dog shampoo for dandruff control contains different chemicals. Human shampoo contains zinc pyrithione and coal tar; these can create dry skin and irritation if used in dogs.

Special purpose:Sometime dog shampoos are designed for special purposes, such as to enhance coat shine, whitening shampoos, texturizing shampoos etc. Human shampoo does not have that much of the specifications.

This is the difference between dog shampoo and human shampoo, because of this reason you have to use dog shampoo for grooming your dogs.

visit us at:- Online pet store | Join us on :- Pet Shop Online | Buy here:- Buy Dog Shampoo online

Why you have to use dog shampoo regularly on puppies

Why you have to use dog shampoo regularly on puppies


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Dog shampoo is specially formulated product designed according to pet skin condition and recommended only for the dog and not for any other pets. A reason why dog shampoo is different from other products is.

  • Dog skin has different PH as compared to human or other pets.
  • You need a product that acts differently to wash skin and coat.
  • It should nourish and improve dog skin as well as coat.

     Dog shampoo has a PH equal to dog skin, it acts differently to wash skin and coat and it nourishes the skin and coat of the dog. Because of all these features, dog shampoo is beneficial for dogs. It cleans all dirt and dust and keeps the dog free from skin problems. Regular use of shampoo will improve your dog health.

Why Human Shampoo is dangerous to dogs?

The PH level of human skin ranges from 5.2 to 6.2, considered as acidic whereas the PH level of dog depending on the type of breed ranges from 5.5 to 7.5, considered as basic or alkaline. If you use human shampoo in a dog, it will imbalance skin PH and creates an environment ideal for growth of bacteria, viruses and fungi. Further, it makes the skin dry and itchy.

How to select dog shampoo?

There are different types of dog shampoo such as regular shampoo, medicated shampoo, flea shampoo etc. If your dog has skin problems like flea, you can use flea shampoo. If the dog is suffering from skin infections, then you can use medicated shampoo. However, if your dog is healthy and do not have any skin issues, you have to use regular shampoo. Always read the label about ingredients, if you find any difficulty approach to your pet vet.

visit us at:- Indian pet shop | Buy here:- dog shampoo brands

Dog grooming kit is useful for the pet as well as for the pet owner, find out why

Dog grooming kit is useful for the pet as well as for the pet owner, find out why


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Dog grooming is a very essential thing and every one must pay equal attention to it. There are various instances when due to lack of grooming the dog has fallen ill and has suffered a lot because of it. Fleas and ticks are a common problem and they cause considerable problem to the pet.
     There are various things in a dog grooming kit that will help the dog remain clean and tidy. There are various things in a grooming kit like shampoo, conditioner, comb, flea comb etc. these things will help an owner keep his dog clean.
     Most of the time due to less time people does not get adequate time to clean their pet. This leads to more problems and due to less hygiene, the dog suffers a lot.
     In a good grooming kit all things are arranged in a proper manner and just by looking at the tools, one will understand what things to use in grooming the dog and how to do it.
     There are so many things that are required in the dog grooming and therefore when a readymade grooming kit is available then the process becomes very easy.
     There are various sites, which provide grooming kit at a very low price and this helps the dog owner get the thing easily. Therefore, in case you too have a pet then do not delay and get the best dog grooming kit for your darling pooch.

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Why dog grooming kit is important for your pooch

Why dog grooming kit is important for your pooch

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The dog naturally loves to keep themselves clean and healthy. But to improve their health and personality pet owner must do some dog grooming at your home regularly. The frequency of dog grooming depends upon a few factors such as the type of breed, type of coat etc. But to do grooming at home you need to buy dog grooming kit, which will help you or perfect grooming. We will see some dog grooming kit which you can buy.

Dog Shampoo: Dog shampoos are essential to bath your pooch. Bathing is most important to clean all dirt’s from dog coat and skin. Regular bathing will keep dog skin healthy and coat will be shiny. Use only specific dog shampoos don’t use any other product for bathing.
Hair brushing: The dog’s coat is critical to maintain. The Long coat dog may hair brushing very frequently and dogs with short coat may need often. Hair brushing will help to keep dogs coat healthy and free from fleas and ticks. Use good quality of comb for brushing.
Nail trimming: Nail trimming will cut extra grown nails which will help from paw infection. Extra grown nails may infect paw so monthly nail cutting by using good quality nail trimmer is to be done.
Ear care: During washing and after washing keep watch on the ear. Sometime dog may infect by bacteria and fungi or sometime dog ears may be allergic so keep good hygiene with the help of ear cleaner.
Keep teeth clean: Do regular tooth brushing to prevent teeth problems. Use good quality toothbrush and toothpaste specially made for dogs.
Eye care: Keep eye cleaning regularly to help of eye cleaning kit. Take a cotton ball and swipe gently around eyes.
Haircuts: Dog with continuously growing hair, need a regular hair cut every 2-4 weeks depending upon the type of breed and type of coat.
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list of dog cleaning products and their benefits for your pooch

list of dog cleaning products and their benefits for your pooch

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 I have noticed that most of the pet owners keep on searching for best of dog grooming products and the essential things which are necessary for parenting a pet and that’s pretty good and I really appreciate that. To understand pet owners need I have come up with few best-selling products in India to take good care of pets including dogs and cats.
     We all are aware that pet cleaning and grooming the pet on a regular basis is essential. But if you take the help of experts from outside it costs high and thus most people avoid it as it disturbs their monthly budget. To handle the problem of money Indian Pet Store has launched varieties of pet accessories for dog grooming such as Bath accessories, brushes and combs.
     One can now save on their monthly budget with huge amount by buying cheap and quality dog grooming products online from Indian Pet Store. Yes you know one thing they also offer free shipping. Take a look at these wonderful dogs grooming products to clean your pet at home.
  • Bath accessories such as: shampoos, conditioners one can buy Bio Groom Super White Shampoo, Natural Scents Crisp Apple Dog Shampoo, and Bio Groom Natural Scents Country Freesia Shampoo.
  • Brushes and combs: Fine toothed combs are necessary to clean the fur of your pet to check the dog fleas and ticksScoobee Bath Gloves Small, Scoobee De Shedding Comb, Scoobee Stainless Steel Comb, Steel Comb with Wooden Handle.
  • Dental care products: Dental care plays an important role one can buy these many products from Indian Pet Store Dentapaste (Toothpaste for Dogs & Cats), Dog Tooth Paste/ Tooth Brush set etc.
  • Deodorizers: Forbis Aroma Deodorant and Forbis Green Tea Deodorant. And Ear care products are also important for pets.
     So what are you waiting for avail these many products and be a perfect pet owner. Indian Pet Store is the one stop destination to avail all these pet accessories.
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Visit Us at :- Pet Supplies | Buy here :- Bath Accessories

Pet supplies now concentrating more on delivering useful dog grooming kit

Dog food to maintain the overall personality of your pet

Dog grooming,Dog grooming kit,Dog grooming tips,Dog grooming products,Online Pet Store,Online Pet Store India,Pet Shop,Pet shop Online,Pet Supplies,Wholesale pet supplies,Pet Products
     My pet loves to eat fresh and delicious food, did yours? I know the answer it is absolutely and big yes! A dog loves to grab the delicious and tasty food and enjoys it. Dog food is essential to improve the overall health and well-being of your pet.
     Few days back I was seated with my friend and were discussing about the health of our pets, we both friends are great fans of dogs and usually shares our experiences about the dog health, foods to provide them and flea control medications that are working best.
     Through our discussions I came to know that Viren’s (My Friend) pet is doing great these days. My friend’s pet has actually developed muscles and he is looking charming day by day. When I asked him the reasons behind the health of his pet, he told me that he has started giving his pet the nutritious dog food and best of the supplements from trusted pet shops Indian Pet Store.
     He has suggested me the list of dog food he is providing to his pet Tommy to make him strong, energetic and disease free. Here is the dog food you can also avail from Indian Pet Store to make your pet healthy and happy.
  • PetenCare Natural Dog Treat
  • Achiever Vegetarian Dog Biscuits
  • Beaphar Top 10 Multivitamin Tablet
  • Nutripet Food Booster (Roasted Chicken)
  • Kalk Calcium Tablets Beaphar
  • Pet-O-Vit drops – Multi Vitamin supplement
     When I started giving these dog food and supplement to my pet with the advice from the vet I have actually noticed the drastic change in my pet’s personality, he looks even more cheerful and energetic.
     These supplements also help my pet to stay motivated and energetic during dog training sessions I am overwhelmed with the working of these dog foods and assistance of Indian Pet store.
     Avail the best of dog food for your pet from the same store to add stars to your pet’s personality.
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Maintain your pets pink of health with the best dog grooming equipment’s

Maintain your pets pink of health with the best dog grooming equipment’s

Dog grooming,Dog grooming kit,Dog grooming tips,Dog grooming products,Online Pet Store,Online Pet Store India,Pet Shop,Pet shop Online,Pet Supplies,Wholesale pet supplies,Pet Products
     Balanced health for pets is everything for obsessed pet owners and to achieve that they put all their efforts. In the last few days I actually met few of such passionate owners who wanted best food, best medicines and best pet accessories to pamper the health of their pet. I was happy with such curious behavior, innocence and love of owners for their darling pets.
     Being one of those possessive owners I myself tried to get the best of pet accessories for my pet and one fine day landed on for getting best of pet needs.
     I was searching for a dog grooming kit for cleaning my pet at home on a regular basis and guess what this fabulous pet store make available varieties of grooming equipment for caring the health of my pets from fleas, ticks and other parasites.
     I am writing this blog to assist my dear pet owner who searches the web to know about the best of pet supplies which provides the facility of free shipping for pet needs.
This Indian pet store provides these many dog grooming equipment’s:
  • Bath accessories
  • Pet hair remover
  • Nail clippers
  • Fine toothed comb to kill the fleas
  • Flea control products
  • Stain remover
  • Ear cleaner
  • Odor remover
  • Diapers
  • Deodorizers
  • West management
  • Dental care products
     With the above grooming products you can make a great change to the personality of your pet. This grooming kit will help your pet to spread the charm through their dazzling looks.
     With the help of grooming kit your pet will stay away from dangerous life threatening flea and ticks. What else you want? Avail this product from the Indian pet store and take the exotic experience of great deals and best pet products.
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