Why dog grooming kit is important for your pooch

Why dog grooming kit is important for your pooch

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The dog naturally loves to keep themselves clean and healthy. But to improve their health and personality pet owner must do some dog grooming at your home regularly. The frequency of dog grooming depends upon a few factors such as the type of breed, type of coat etc. But to do grooming at home you need to buy dog grooming kit, which will help you or perfect grooming. We will see some dog grooming kit which you can buy.

Dog Shampoo: Dog shampoos are essential to bath your pooch. Bathing is most important to clean all dirt’s from dog coat and skin. Regular bathing will keep dog skin healthy and coat will be shiny. Use only specific dog shampoos don’t use any other product for bathing.
Hair brushing: The dog’s coat is critical to maintain. The Long coat dog may hair brushing very frequently and dogs with short coat may need often. Hair brushing will help to keep dogs coat healthy and free from fleas and ticks. Use good quality of comb for brushing.
Nail trimming: Nail trimming will cut extra grown nails which will help from paw infection. Extra grown nails may infect paw so monthly nail cutting by using good quality nail trimmer is to be done.
Ear care: During washing and after washing keep watch on the ear. Sometime dog may infect by bacteria and fungi or sometime dog ears may be allergic so keep good hygiene with the help of ear cleaner.
Keep teeth clean: Do regular tooth brushing to prevent teeth problems. Use good quality toothbrush and toothpaste specially made for dogs.
Eye care: Keep eye cleaning regularly to help of eye cleaning kit. Take a cotton ball and swipe gently around eyes.
Haircuts: Dog with continuously growing hair, need a regular hair cut every 2-4 weeks depending upon the type of breed and type of coat.
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