Quest for the perfect shampoo for your pet dog

Dog shampoo, pet care shampoos, shampoos for Dogs, Pet care India, pet grooming products, Dog grooming kitTake a walk down the aisle of the local pet shop in your neighborhood and you will be amazed at the wide range and variety in shampoos meant for your dogs. My friend Rita went to buy a shampoo for dog and returned home all the more confused. Her dilemma in buying the right shampoo for her dog made me write this blog as I am also a dog lover and own a pet dog myself.

Selecting the right shampoo for your pet is very easy if a little time is taken to think and do a little bit of survey and research when you want to buy the best shampoo for your pooch.

  • Understand the skin and hair type of dogs, this helps you in selecting the right shampoo for your dog as certain types of skin and hair of pets require special care and your pet will thank you for the same.
  • In case your canine is infested with fleas and ticks, it is best to consult a vet and get his guidance in buying the right shampoo for your pet and also ensuring that the shampoo can be used along with the prescribed medication.
  • Indoor pets generally do not get dirty and do not require bathing often whereas the same cannot be said about outdoor dogs which taken for running or hiking. A pet owner should buy a shampoo after taking into account the lifestyle of his pet.
  • If your pet dog is suffering from the problem of dry skin, it is best to buy a shampoo with aloe Vera as the main ingredient in it. Goldies shampoo from Indian Pet store for dogs containing aloe Vera, menthol and camphor is the best buy for pets suffering from dry skin.
  • For dogs suffering from scratching, it is best to use and anti-itch shampoo. Also for dogs suffering for heavy hair loss which could be due to varied reasons, one can try the Himalaya Erina EP shampoo 200 ml which comes with conditioner and is especially meant to be used on dogs with hair loss.

Identifying the special needs of your pooch based on climatic, allergic and medical grounds is very important to buy the right shampoo for your pet.

What are alternatives to Dog Shampoo

What are alternatives to Dog Shampoo


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Baking soda:Baking soda is cheapest alternative to dog shampoo. Take few baking soda, sprinkle it on dog skin, and wash it thoroughly with plenty of water. It has very strong flea killing ability to kill flea, it dehydrates them and kills them. However, it can kill flea eggs and larvae not adult fleas.

Oatmeal :Oatmeal is best natural dog shampoo for dry skin itchy and allergic reactions. Take 1 cup of oatmeal, grind it into fine powder and mix it with one half cup of fine baking soda powder. To wash dog, use this powder to wash dog. For best results, you can use warm water to bath. First wet your dogs, spread this mixture, massage it well and wash it thoroughly.

Lavender oil: Lavender oil has good fragrance and antibacterial action just perfect for dog shampoo. The good smell will help to repel flea and ticks. This is most safe and economical dog shampoo for dogs. Just put few drops of lavender in water or vinegar.

These are few best alternatives to commercial dog shampoo. These are all safe and risk free alternatives for you.

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What is the difference between dog shampoo and Human shampoo

What is the difference between dog shampoo and Human shampoo


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PH Balance:Shampoos are designed according to PH level of skin. Human skin has acidic PH level between 5.2 to 6.2, whereas dog skin has alkaline or basic PH level between 5.5 to 7.5. This difference has great impact on the working mechanism of shampoos. If you are using human shampoo on dogs, it will create skin problems such as dry and itchy skin, PH imbalance etc.

Insect control:Human shampoos are not formulated to control different insects. However, dog shampoos are designed in such way that it will control growth different insects such as lice, flea and ticks. Therefore, if you are using human shampoos in dogs, it will not kill any fleas and infestation may lead to different skin problems and health problems.

Dandruff control is different:The causes of dandruff in human and dogs are different. So human shampoo designed for dandruff control contains different chemicals and dog shampoo for dandruff control contains different chemicals. Human shampoo contains zinc pyrithione and coal tar; these can create dry skin and irritation if used in dogs.

Special purpose:Sometime dog shampoos are designed for special purposes, such as to enhance coat shine, whitening shampoos, texturizing shampoos etc. Human shampoo does not have that much of the specifications.

This is the difference between dog shampoo and human shampoo, because of this reason you have to use dog shampoo for grooming your dogs.

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Why you have to use dog shampoo regularly on puppies

Why you have to use dog shampoo regularly on puppies


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Dog shampoo is specially formulated product designed according to pet skin condition and recommended only for the dog and not for any other pets. A reason why dog shampoo is different from other products is.

  • Dog skin has different PH as compared to human or other pets.
  • You need a product that acts differently to wash skin and coat.
  • It should nourish and improve dog skin as well as coat.

     Dog shampoo has a PH equal to dog skin, it acts differently to wash skin and coat and it nourishes the skin and coat of the dog. Because of all these features, dog shampoo is beneficial for dogs. It cleans all dirt and dust and keeps the dog free from skin problems. Regular use of shampoo will improve your dog health.

Why Human Shampoo is dangerous to dogs?

The PH level of human skin ranges from 5.2 to 6.2, considered as acidic whereas the PH level of dog depending on the type of breed ranges from 5.5 to 7.5, considered as basic or alkaline. If you use human shampoo in a dog, it will imbalance skin PH and creates an environment ideal for growth of bacteria, viruses and fungi. Further, it makes the skin dry and itchy.

How to select dog shampoo?

There are different types of dog shampoo such as regular shampoo, medicated shampoo, flea shampoo etc. If your dog has skin problems like flea, you can use flea shampoo. If the dog is suffering from skin infections, then you can use medicated shampoo. However, if your dog is healthy and do not have any skin issues, you have to use regular shampoo. Always read the label about ingredients, if you find any difficulty approach to your pet vet.

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Dog shampoo helps in dog grooming

Dog shampoo helps in dog grooming

Although animals can groom themselves quite well but still they need our help in grooming. Grooming them properly will keep them free from all dirt and germs. It will also help them develop a better hygiene habit. So let’s look why shampooing helps in proper dog grooming.

Dog shampoo is very essential in keeping the dog clean

Dogs whether they have fur or not, they require shampooing and cleaning. They are exposed to germs and dirt and improper cleaning will make them sink and ill.

Dogs stay in our company; they sleep with us in our bed and sofa so if we are not cleaning our pets then more than them we will fall sick. Dogs are exposed to germs especially when they go out for a walk or play in the lawn. So just like, we wash our hands and feet after coming from outside, dogs too require the same cleaning habit.

Dogs are exposed to fleas and ticks so they must be cleaned properly with a good dog shampoo. If you do not shampoo your hair for several weeks or days, you will develop dandruff and the same rule applies to the dog as well. Therefore, it is very essential that you shampoo the dog with a good dog shampoo.

The most important thing to remember is to use an herbal dog shampoo. Herbal shampoo is delicate and it will suit all types of dogs. It will suit even a puppy or a dog with sensitive skin type. Most importantly dog, shampoo will clear the pores of the dog skin so that the skin can stay healthy.

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Good quality dog grooming accessories for your dog

Good quality dog grooming accessories for your dog

     Dog grooming as well as dog grooming accessories is an important part of dog care routine and choosing the best is your duty. It is extremely important for the owner to see that his/her dog is properly groomed and is done on a regular basis. This process involves a host of different tasks that are all planned for the well-being of your pet and some of them include proper bathing and brushing for the pet as well as taking care of other body parts. Below are given some indispensable dog accessories that you will need as part of the dog grooming.

  • Brushes and combs – Different dogs have different types of hair therefore it’s no surprise that there will be so many types of different dog brushes available. It is one of the most basic dog grooming accessories. Try to select a brush that is best suited for your dog. It is better to have more than one brush or comb for the benefit of your dog.

     Bristle brushes work well almost all hair types while wire pin brushes best for dogs with medium to long hair. Wire pin brushes are best used for dogs with long hair while slicker brushes break up tangles as well as mats and flea combs are used for detecting fleas. Shedding tools are equipped with special teeth that help in removing excess hair from double coated breeds thus reducing shedding.

  • Dog shampoos – Another one of the most important dog grooming accessories is dog shampoos. Your dog bathing is more effective when you use the right shampoo and always try to choose a dog shampoo which is soap-free and meant for dog usage. Tear free shampoos protect your dog’s eyes during baths while oatmeal shampoos are designed to soothe mildly irritated skin and at the same time ease itching.

     Other dog grooming accessories such as dog ear cleaners, scissors and nail clippers should also be included in the kitty. This way, you can have a complete dog grooming session.

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How to select a dog shampoo?

How to select a dog shampoo?

     There are many dog shampoos in the stores built not all of them will suit your dog. You need to do some homework regarding the same. Well I too have an adorable pooch in my house and I followed these tips before buying the right kind of dog shampoo for my dear furry friend.

Tips to buy a dog shampoo

The shampoo must suit the dog skin

Just like humans, every dog has a different skin type. They too have a dry skin, oily skin and sensitive skin. Dogs with sensitive skin cannot be given bath with a strong flea control shampoo. Therefore, it is better to first consult a vet regarding the type of shampoo that will suit your dog and then buy it.

Look at the ingredient of the shampoo

It is better to look at the ingredients of the shampoo and then only buy it. This is because the dog shampoo may have artificial color and scent which may irritate the pet. This is one reason why most vets suggest for herbal shampoos and they can suggest you names of such products.

Check out the PH level of the shampoo

Check out the PH level of the dog shampoo before buying it. The PH level of the dog shampoo must be always lower than that of a human shampoo. This proves that the shampoo will be mild on the dog.

Natural shampoo

Natural shampoo will do well to your dog and to your pocket as well. There are various natural remedies and home product shampoo that will keep your dog free from all dirt and pests. It is always better to choose such natural things, as they are not harmful at all.

Check the quality of a shampoo

It is better to check the quality of a shampoo and incase the shampoo is not showing any effectiveness then there is no point in using that.

     These things are very essential in selecting a dog shampoo.

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Dog shampoo: The best way to keep your dog hair healthy

Dog shampoo: The best way to keep your dog hair healthy

     The market is overriding with shampoos from every big and small brand out there. As a result, you must be overwhelmed by the variety of them as well as in a dilemma on what is good and what is not for your pooch. You might think that what the need of a dog shampoo is when it can just be bathed with a simple bar of soap but it is not simple as that. Dog shampoos are required to clean as well as treat various skin related ailments and conditions. Sometimes, dog shampoos are also manufactured keeping in mind the fur of your dog.

     Dog shampoos are available in various shapes and sizes including medicated shampoos, shampoos meant for pets with white fur, shampoos for flea and ticks, shampoos meant for dogs with sensitive skin, et al. Do not try to use human shampoo on your dog since human shampoos tend to dry out the dog skin thus making your pet’s skin itchy as well as flaky therefore it is better that you use a dog shampoo rather than any other shampoo.

Tips on how to choose the right dog shampoo

  • Normal shampoo – If you want to limit your pooch’s exposure to harsh chemicals, make sure that you read the labels of the shampoos very carefully. Try choosing a natural as well as herbal shampoo which is made of pure natural ingredients especially one which is free of paraben. This substance which is a preservative is linked to cancer.
  • Shampoo for sensitive skin – In case your pet has a sensitive skin and are prone to allergies, seasonal dryness or hot spots, try to select a shampoo with oatmeal and aloe vera. Both these ingredients are known to soothe your dog’s skin in a short period of time. Not only that, these substances in a dog shampoo will also help to heal it in the long term.

     These were some basic steps on how to choose the right shampoo for your pooch. You can purchase other specific shampoos as per the requirements of your dog.

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Dog shampoo helps to keep dog hair healthy

Dog shampoo helps to keep dog hair healthy

Like we humans pet also requires the cleaning and shampooing for their hairs to Keep the overall health of the pet stable and flourishing. Cleaning pet hairs and shampooing, will make them look pretty and smart. Shampooing hairswill add below aids to your pet’s health:

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  • He will look smart and charming
  • It will reduce the bad odor on your pets
  • Will kill the fleas and ticks on them and also helps you in eradicating eggs and larva of the insects.
  • This will make your pet look huggable and lovable.

     Dog care by means of grooming and cleaning is must for every pet master who wants to make their pet look healthy in all the seasons.

Shampoo and hair brushing will clean all the insects and bacterial infections from your pets which cause the dangerous disease to pets.

To keep dog hairs healthy and smooth buy Clean Coating Dog Shampoo Isle of Dogs, Tikfite Anti Tick Dog Shampoo, Furminator Waterless Deshedding Dog & Cat Shampoo, Anti-Itch Dog Shampoo and Oat-Coat Conditioning Anti-Itch Pet Shampoo.

Buy the best dog shampoo from a trusted shop to get the discounts and the best facilities! Ensure the best health for your dear pet and make them feel special with you. Also give them best food and nutrient supplement to boost their energy and immunity.

Pets are like little child shower your love and care of them to build a well behaved and smart grown up dog. Buy affordable and the best grooming kit and cleaning products to clean them thoroughly on a regularly basis.

Flea protective products are also essential for the health of your pet, buy the products which are trusted and provide long term protection for your pet from flea and ticks.

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