Benefits of homemade dog food

dog food,dogs treat,dogs nutrition,Dog care,Dog health, pet care,Online pet store,Pet shop India,Indian dog store,Dog shop India,best dog care storeAdopting a puppy is such a delight and along with this comes huge responsibility of bringing it up in the right way. Pets demand very simple things and in return they give us their unconditional love and attention.

Proper pet care involves many things but here we will focus on just one aspect which is food for pets. Food is not just filler; it contributes a lot in keeping the pet healthy and active. Some people prefer to feed ready made food to their dogs but choosing natural food or homemade recipe is the best way to care for your pet.

Here are some suggestions for dog food

Go organic

Organic food is the path towards health and happiness for your dog. Fruits, vegetables, carbohydrate and protein are a very good source of nutrition diet for the pet. These natural sources will enhance the pet’s body function and thus keep it fit and active. It will also strengthen its immune system and thus make is fully capable of fighting against fleas and ticks.


Fish is a great source of protein for the dog as it is filled with Omega-3  fatty acids and proteins. It must however be taken care that dogs must not be fed Salmon or Tuna  as both these fish types are not good for the pooch. These fish has a certain parasite that is harmful for the dog and can cause severe infection.

The possibility of infection arises even if the fish is washed properly and cooked.


Apples are very good for the dog but its seeds are very bad. It can cause permanent damage to the dog’s liver and kidney. This dog food is good only after its seeds are removed.

So next time preparing food for dog, please ensure that these tips are taken care of properly to guarantee proper health to the pooch.

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