3 simple ways to remove matt from dog’s hair

Pets hair care, pet care, Dog health care, pet care online, pet products,Dog care store, Best pet  products, online pet store,Online Dog store, Dog care products IndiaRemoving matt from dog’s hair seems difficult task but it is actually not when you apply some easy remedies for the same. There are of course many supplies available in pet stores that claim to tangle free the matt but it’s always feasible to choose remedies which are easy to apply for the same.

Detangling spray

Detangling spray can be easily prepared at home, all you need is an empty spray bottle and fill in that with water and one tablespoon of hair conditioner. You can use your own hair conditioner for doing the same. Shake the mixture properly and then spray all over the dog’s coat. After this slightly rub the dog’s coat and then leave it for some time.

The next step will be to remove the tangle with hand first and then use a comb for the same. Always use comb whose bristles are wide apart so that there is less hair fall.


Cornstarch is an amazing product that helps in removing tangles from dog’s hair very easily and without any problem. You just need to sprinkle some powder all over the dog’s fur and slightly rub it. After this dry to detangle with hand and then use the comb. You need to leave it for few minutes before you start working in removing the tangle.

Try your hand

The best way to detangle the dog’s hair is to use hand.  You need to be patience in doing so, just make the dog sit on your lap and remove the tangle with hands. You need to do the work smoothly and if the tangle is too tough then you must use some water. If tangles are too tough then cut hair at that place.

Regular grooming will reduce the possibility of tangle formation to much extent and keep your pet trouble free.

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