Royal Canin Maxi Light is effective to lose weight of dogs

Royal Canin Maxi Light is effective to lose weight of dogs

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     Obesity is a nutritional disease defined as excess body fat that is enough to impair health, welfare and quality of life. In dogs obesity issue is increasing globally. The main reason behind this is food they are eating. We feed them food which has a high calorie count, if dogs don’t do enough exercise; this extra calories get converted into extra fat and they become obese. Although the type of breed, age, sex and Neuter status are risk factors of obesity, keep this in mind every dog is prone to obesity.
     Royal Canin Maxi Light is the perfect remedy for obesity in dogs. The Royal Canin Maxi Light has been made with all high quality ingredients laced with vitamins, minerals and proteins. It has 30% low calorie content and high amount of L-Carnitine to activate the metabolism of fat. This L-Carnitine plays important role in burning extra fat without any harmful effects.
     Royal Canin Maxi Light is very nutritious and yummy dog health supplements for dogs maintain their weight balance effectively without reducing the regular intake of canines.
Benefits of Royal Canin Maxi Light:
  • Acts as an effective and healthy health supplement
  • Acts as a low calorie active supplement to aid weight control program
  • 30% low calorie with fat metabolism reserve action
  • Works well to maintain a good and lean healthy self for dogs
  • Easy to use
  • No harmful effects


     If your dog is obese, Royal Canin Maxi Light is right choice of food for them. You can mix it with other food items but make sure the food is not calorie dense. Along with this try to do exercise on a daily basis for better results. Take a help of your pet vet, do routine checkup, this will keep you informed about health status of the dog.
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