Is Homemade Dog Food Good Enough

Is Homemade Dog Food Good Enough


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Homemade dog food is freshly cooked food at home for pets only. It does not contain any added chemicals, so free of any risk but still this is debatable dog food. Some believe that homemade can provide all nutrients but some declines this claim. We will see some factors you should consider before feeding it.

Cost and time:

This is a fact that homemade food requires much time to cook at home. You have to buy raw food then you have cooked it, it takes much time. Ultimately it costs you a lot. So if you have enough time and bigger budget then you can go with this.

You need to add supplements:

Homemade dog food is cooked so nutrients may get vanished in this process. To meet the essential nutritional requirement you need to add supplements in the diet regime of your dog. Vitamin supplement, calcium supplement, mineral supplement you have to add.

Shelf life:

Shelf life of dog food is at max 2-3 days. So have cook limited food in batches enough for 2-3 days. You can freeze homemade dog food but still it is not advisable.

Nutritional balance:

This is the most important concern of homemade dog food, it does not give all essential nutrients. Always keep this in mind dog need protein in large amount and carbohydrates in smaller quantity. So try to add protein sources while cooking.

Homemade dog food has both pros and cons, so keep all factors in mind and then feed them.

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Dog foods needs to be balanced at all costs

Dog foods needs to be balanced at all costs

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Just like human beings even dogs are supposed to have balanced dog foods so that they are always in a good shape and all nutritional deficiency related issues that could erupt in the form of diseases and ailments and make the condition of dogs bad.

The importance of giving a balanced dog foods type become more justified when a dog is fed only a certain type of foods rich only in a certain type of nutrients. As meat based foods are rich only in Vitamins, fats and proteins, it must be understood that providing the dogs with these food types could mean dogs losing out not only on other vital nutrients but also could put weight and become lethargic and attract many diseases.

An ideal dog foods type shall consist of all basic nutrients such as Carbohydrates, Fats, Vitamins, Proteins, Minerals, Fibers so that the dog is able to be always ready for all challenges of life and face all situations in life with élan and keep all blemishes of many diseases away.

If a concerned dog lover wants to keep dogs happy and healthy, he/she must ensure that there should not be any shortcomings in type of dog foods being fed. If a dog lover is unable to make out as to what dog foods to be taken he shall go to a qualified vet doctor and take proper guidelines about what to be included in his diet. Best of luck!

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