How to train a dog using a leash?

Dog Leash, online pet leash, buy dog leash, leash for Dog online, pet shop India, online pet accessories, Pet accessories India, Indian Pet Shop, online Dog Store India, indianpetstoreRecently I noticed a very drastic change in my dog fluffy’s behavior. Whenever I changed into a dress and wore slippers, he would start barking, tugging at the door and would start pulling my dress. This behavior was not seen in him earlier when we used to go for walks. I discussed this with my friend who is a veterinarian. She advised that it was a natural response from my dog as I had trained him by taking him out every day.

This behavior of my dog enlightened me to the fact that animals start manipulating us after a certain amount of training. Even though I had trained my dog, now he is forcing me to take him out whenever he wants to go out. He has learned to associate clothing with fun and going out.

This set me thinking, I have seen my friends pet dogs behave unruly during feeding time, on seeing a leash or even jumping on visitors. This creates an embracing situation for you even though you have taken efforts to train your pet.

Training your pet need not be a time consuming and exhaustive effort for both you and your pet. Moreover training can be done in a short span of time as the attention span of animals is very less. They also enjoy if trained only for a few minutes every day.

Buying a good dog leash to train your dog is an ideal way to train it.

  • Show the leash to your furry friend.
  • Give it time to see the leash and smell it.
  • Put the leash on your pet’s neck. If your pet gets excited, allow it calm down for a minute.  Make him sit for a few minutes.
  • Once your pet is calm and settled take him to the door, again try soothing and controlling your pet using a leash. Use the same technique each time giving positive reinforcement till you take him to the step or to the road.

This method of training your pet using a leash will provide the message to your dog that if he is calm and unexcited he will be taken out. The same method of training can be used while training a pet for his food or when you crate train him. You may not be able to achieve this in one day but if followed regularly will bring about the desired change in your adorable pet.