Some human food which even dogs can eat

Dog food, pet food Online, Online Dog Food,best pet food, Dog Food India,Indian Pets food, dogs treat, Dogs Nutrition,Pet store,Pet shop OnlineIt is a common practice for pet lovers to feed their pet whatever they eat. It has been seen that there are many human food which are not at all good for the pooch but unfortunately most pet lovers do not know this and feeding the dog these food can cause great problem.

So let’s look at some such dog food which is healthy and safe

Peanut butter

Dogs love peanut butter and that’s why putting some peanut butter over the dog’s mouth gives them chance to lick it. This is why most pet lovers prefer to give peanut butter to their pets and it’s really looks sweet when the pooch links the butter and craves for more.


Cheese is another favorite dog food which makes the dog craves for more and more. It has been seen that some quantity of cheese is really beneficial for the dog and does not make it obese. Along with cheese exercise is very vital as it will give added benefit to the dog.


Yogurt is very beneficial for the pooch as it help in strong bone development and also provides added health benefit. It is loaded with vitamin, protein, zinc and potassium. Yogurt is fat free and is thus highly recommended by vets to feed the dog.


Watermelon is excellent for the pooch as it keeps it well hydrated. Along with water melon some other types of fruits are also essential for the pooch. Although seeds does not cause any harm to the animal but it is recommended that one must de-seed the water melon before feeding it to the dog.

These were some basic human food which is very essential for the dog. However care must be taken that moderate quantity is given to the pooch.

Dog food must be selected carefully

dog food,dogs treat,dogs nutrition,Dog care,Dog health, pet care,Online pet store,Pet shop India,Indian dog store,Dog shop India,best dog care storeThere are various considerations while selecting the right food for the dog as if dogs are not given proper diet then their health will be compromised. There are various aspects in selecting the right kind of food for the dog and mostly these minute yet very important points are missed out.

Nowadays people buy readymade dog food either from online stores or from physical pet stores so here are few tips that will guide you for the same.

Vet’s suggestion :

The most essential tip for selecting a dog food is to take a vet’s suggestion. The vet will suggest the right food and the quantity depending on the breed and its health issues. It is usually mentioned on the food’s packet regarding the dose but one must always consult the vet regarding the same.


One must always buy from a reputed site so that one can get genuine material. There are some cheap online sites which claim to sell quality pet food but they have fillers in it mostly carbohydrate. This is not good for the dog’s health and will fail to provide it the much required nutrition.

Vegetarian as well as non-vegetarian dog food :

The pooch food must also be selected depending on the type of food it has to be fed. Some dogs may be recommended to have vegetarian food and non-vegetarian food in calculated quantity so it is better to take the vet’s suggestion regarding the same.

Safe purchase:

Last but not the least, always go for a safe gateway through which your payment will be safe. There are various sites from where it is not safe to make purchase so do a proper research and try getting news about the site in terms of reputation.

Always get hold of a good pet online shop so that the pet food sold to you is genuine and free from fillers. This will ensure that your pet stays healthy and in top health.