Raw dog food Vs Commercial dog food

Raw dog food Vs Commercial dog food

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Dog Food safety is a much debatable topic. Many people believe that raw food is safe as it contains raw unprocessed meat, chicken, fish, fruits and vegetable from natural sources only. While many people think that commercial product are much better and safer because they complete food, contains all nutrients. But there are advantages and disadvantages of both types of dog food.

     Commercial dog food: Commercial products are processed and contain added nutrients to make it as complete food. This is most widely used and available in every dog store. You can mix with other food products to achieve daily nutritional need. If you are feeding commercial product then you don’t need to feed dog supplement. But the problem with this food is it has added chemical in it for different purposes which can cause cancer or other diseases. These are less expensive and easy to handle also.

Raw dog food: Raw dog food unprocessed and do not contain any chemicals so the risk of chemicals is avoided. These are rich sources of nutrients such as proteins, vitamins and minerals. This helps to improve health of dog by many ways. But problem with this food is they may carry some bacteria with them which may cause disease in dog as well as in human. They are expensive also. Long term use may lead to nutritional deficiencies and detrimental health effects.

     Which is the best dog food?  Every type of dog breed has special diet requirement so approach to dog breeder to fix dog regime. Many research studies have proved that the nutritive value of Raw dog food is low so long term use of raw dog food must be avoided. No any type of dog food is healthy. We have to use both types of food on a daily basis to achieve nutritional need. This will help to keep dogs healthy for the long run.

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Best dog food and pet accessories are important for your dog

Best dog food and pet accessories are important for your dog

 Dog lovers get ready to give an amazing journey of life to your lovable pets as the Indian pet store is all set to provide the best of pet accessories and nutritious food for your pet. Yes, to lead a healthy life your pet needs essential nutrition’s and Indian Store offers number of dog food to pamper the health of your pet.
     Pet accessories such as dog grooming kit, flea control products and dog cages and training equipment’s including dog collars are the expertise of Indian Pet Store. One can order whatever their requirement about the pets, as Indian Pet Store offers all the required accessories with free shipping facility.
     Best dog food is essential to manage the health of your pet and with these supplements offered by Indian Pet store Indian Pet Store guarantees the great health for your pet.
  • Beaphar Top 10 Multivitamin Tablet – 60 Tablets
  • Pet Care ProviBoost drops
  • Pet-O-Vit drops – Multi Vitamin supplement 30 ml
  • Himalaya Liv 52 Vet Liquid- 110 ML
     Beaphar Top 10 Multivitamin Tablet – 60 Tablets are best supplements as they promote vitality and makes dogs stronger. This tablet also makes sure the healthy heart and strong muscles of your pooch. Beaphar tablets improve skin coat condition as well.
     Avail these wonderful health supplements for your pet and boost their energy to carry out all the hard training session that you provide them and to look at their best throughout the day.
     Pet accessories like dog cage, dog collars and dog foods are best selling products of Indian Pet Store. If you want to take good care of your pet then visit this Indian Pet Shop, search and buy the best pet accessories for your cute pie.
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Why dog meaty treat is so essential

Why dog meaty treat is so essential

There has always been a debate as to why dogs must be given mea. The fact is that dogs are hunters by nature and they derive all the nutritional value only through non vegetarian food. Vitamin b12 is found only in meat and fish and when the dog is deprived of this, they land up into many problems.

One friend was a vegetarian and she used to feed her dog veg food. The immune system of dog gradually became very weak and it developed many health related problems. It was seen that it does not matter how much vegetables and fruits she use to feed her dog, the dog could not regain its health.

She was very worried, she took the dog to the vet, and the vet after examining the dog suggested her to give the dog meat and fish.

After the dog got meaty treats, it was seen that it slowly regained its weight and health as well. She was really amazed to see this change in the dog and she was very happy in seeing this.

After that, she started believing that meat is an essential thing and the dog must not be deprived of it. She also realized that if someone is vegetarian it does not mean that he should also force the dog to be vegetarian.

This is accepted by most vets that dogs must not be given only vegetables, they must be given non-veg for sure. If one cannot make meat, then they can buy ready-made meaty treats and feed to the dog. Ready-made meaty treats are very good and keeps the dog encouraged and active. There are many top companies that provide meaty treats at very less price and thus one must not deprive the dog.

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Significance of balanced dog foods

Significance of balanced dog foods

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 Dog care is what most of the dog lovers are leaving no stone unturned to ensure that their pooches are having a great time while they are staying with them. But, only having a great enthusiasm to keep dogs happy and doing little may not impart a full-fledged dog care.
     In this regard, all efforts must be taken to ensure that dog health stays a prime objective for the dog lovers to achieve. One of the many steps to maintaining a great dog health could be attributed to providing them with balanced dog foods.
     However, when it comes to providing a balanced dog foods to their canines, most of the dog lovers fail to do so as they provide them with only what they like and foods that are rich in proteins and vitamins and that’s when the dogs are unable to get complete nutrition and starts becoming lethargic as day passes with a majority of ailments surging up now and then.
     Just like any of the living organism, even dogs require a certain set of foods on a daily basis to not only keep fit and fine but also gets all nutrition that may make them sturdy and keep them ready to face challenges that life may put.
     A proper dog health can be kept easily when a dog is given a certain amount of carbohydrates, fats, minerals, vitamins, proteins, fibre on a daily basis in their platter. If a dog lover is having difficulty to pick up select what dog foods to pick up, help is always available in the form of online pet stores where a large stock of health supplements are kept.
     Dog owners can easily pick them up according to the dog type they have. In this regard, a vet doctor’s help could also be sought so as to what kind of dog foods that are balanced be given so as to maintain a sturdy dog health.
     Thus, why to wait and let your dog suffer in terms of getting foods that are not complete and give them a completely balanced dog foods and start taking a better dog care. Visit http://www.indianpetstore.com or a complete food guide. All the best!
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What is the benefit of interactive dog toys and dog food

What is the benefit of interactive dog toys and dog food

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     Most people think that dogs can only eat and sleep but this is a very wrong concept. Dogs are just like human kids, they tend to learn from new things and apply their learning on new situations. Interactive dog toys are one way by which one can help the dog improve its cognitive ability. Let us look at some benefits of such dog toys.

     These are challenging as well as intelligent dog toys. It keeps the dog engrossed in such activities and helps the dog use its time properly. Because of these toys, the dog is likely not to be engaged in doing any kind of destructive work.

     It keeps the dog busy when you do not have time for him. The dog enjoys the session and is deeply involved in him.

     Most of these toys are made with advanced electronic technology and the pet assumes that these toys are living friends. They play with these toys with great interest.

     One or two interactive dog toys will help the dog enjoy and even the owner can participate in playing with the dog using such toys.

     Apart from providing such interactive dog toys, one must also give good dog food to the pet. Dog food, which has essential proteins and vitamins, helps the dog become active. The pet shows activeness in everything and has a long healthy life.

     There are various types of dog foods available like dental dog treats, canned treats, and meaty treats. All these food have some benefits to be provided to the pet. It is always better to get the dog checked by a vet so that he can recommend the right type of dog food that will suit the dog properly.

     Therefore, dog food and interactive dog toys are very useful for the health and over all benefit of the dog.

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