Fleas and ticks must be cured with side-effects free medications

Fleas and ticks must be cured with side-effects free medications

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     Fleas and ticks are nothing but a bad and irritable case of infestations based skin irritable causing problems that concerns most of the pet animals with dogs and cats falling as prey on a common basis.
     Fleas and ticks are irritable and scratchy infestations in the form of larvae and eggs that lives inside the skin coats and fur of the dogs and cats and make their life miserable.
     Yes, the effects of fleas and ticks are so much that it induces so much scratching more than the usual scratching done that it forces dogs and cats to keep away from their normal activities of life such as playing with children, going to walk and enjoying their meals and much more.
     A time also comes when a dog that was a buzzing dog becomes dull and bore with staying off all activities and rejection of even their favorite foods such as Chicken and Mutton or Fish.
     When such a condition comes, a dog must be tested at a vet doctor’s clinic for fleas and ticks and upon confirmation must be given only such medications that do not give rise to other complications such as Lyme’s disease and Tapeworms as possible side-effects.
     Yes, when a painful condition such as fleas and ticks would be treated to a side-effects free flea medications or tick treatment, not only would the condition heal in no time but also would help pets to bounce back to the normal activities of life sooner than ever.
     The major benefit of a side-effects free flea medication would be its possibility to cure all problems of fleas and ticks in such a manner that the pet animals upon its first usage, would start to feel good.
     Thus, given the condition that a flea medication with side-effects can provoke havoc on your darling pets, it becomes important for the dog lovers to ensure that they only give side-effects free fleas and ticks medication.
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Flea treatments to fight fleas and ticks without side-effects

The problem of fleas and ticks

Flea treatments, tick treatment for dog,Dog ticks,Dog ticks control,Dog ticks medication,Online Pet Store,Online Pet Store India,Pet Shop,Pet shop Online,Pet Supplies,Wholesale pet supplies,Pet Products    Are you fed up of fleas and ticks, the nasty critters that often pose a threat to your pooch’s health? You can now breathe a sigh of relief as there are few alternate flea treatments and tick treatment for dog that will make you feel self-assured that your furry friend will remain flea and tick free all through the year especially during the summer when these pesky creatures are found in plenty. The best part is these natural flea and tick control are without side-effects and hence they are safe on your canine’s coat unlike the chemical based sprays and spot-on that are available in the market.

Natural flea and tick treatment

  • Water: Water works wonders in removing fleas from dogs. As the pesky fleas do not hold onto the hair shafts, these fall in the water and easily drown. Hence a dip in a tub full of water will help in washing away most of the fleas on your dog, if not all. Using a little quantity of dish liquid or a mild shampoo, preferably one that has a citrus base along with regular brushing will help you to get rid of fleas from your canine’s body. This is one of the best flea treatments as fleas are known to ward off by citrus.
  • Essential oils: as ticks are known to carry dangerous bacteria, it is essential to repel them. An effective tick treatment for dog that most people have benefitted from is by using rose geranium oil. Apply this on your dog’s collar to fend off ticks.
  • Vacuuming: Vacuuming thoroughly and regularly especially your dog’s sleeping areas, sofas and cleaning carpets will help to keep fleas and ticks away. Do not forget in emptying the vacuum bag or adding borate powder or diatomaceous earth to the bag. This is one of the most effective flea treatments for dogs that are sans side effect.

      Say goodbye to systemic pesticides and try your hands on the effective natural remedies to ward off fleas and ticks. Avail the benefits of the above mentioned tick treatment for dog and gift your companion a healthy life free from fleas and ticks.

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No more dog ticks with these simple steps

No more dog ticks with these simple steps

     How to remove the attached dog ticks? Are you facing the same situation well, do not worry a simple pair of tweezers and some special tick removal instruments can help you out. These will help you to remove the ticks without squeezing them. How to do this? Well below are some steps through them you can do this easily.
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  • Grip the tick from the head right from the place where they enter your dog’s skin. Do not grab the tick from the body.
  • Without lurching, pull confidently and steadily right outward.
  • Do not apply petroleum jelly or alcohol over tick to remove him because these will not remove them instead these will make the tick to deposit disease-carrying drool in the wound.
  • Later of removing the tick, put it in an alcohol jar in order to kill it. This is because ticks are not destroyed by flushing them in the toilet.
  • Clean the wound with a sanitizer and wash your hands meticulously.

     Do not even try remove or dispose a tick with your fingers as the saliva of tick can transmit disease. After removing a tick manually from your pooch’s skin, it is rare to face a skin reaction. A small amount of disinfectant will help to avoid the irritation, but complete healing of a wound could take time of a week or more.

In few cases, a tick bite becomes a permanent scar by leaving a hairless area over your canine’s skin. These days you can order tweezers or any other tick removal instruments online from the comfort of your home.

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5 Guidelines to Follow during Dog Tick Control

All about dog tick control

Are you a dog owner who is in search of dog tick preventives? You are at the right place. Fleas are pesky bugs that are difficult to get rid of. Nevertheless, if you practice eradication steps diligently, you will succeed to win the battle against these annoying insects that can also pose a threat to your furry friend’s health.
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You can also try your hands at some of the best dog tick controls that are available at Indian Pet Store. It is at this online pet store where you will get flea medications that are absolutely safe for your canine and that too at reasonable prices.

5 guidelines to follow during dog tick control

  • The first and foremost step is to always use commercial tools or tweezers while removing ticks. Never handle ticks with your uncovered fingers. For best results protect your fingers with a paper towel, plastic or rubber gloves.
  • Put the edges of other removal tools or the tips of tweezers especially around the area from where the mouthparts begin entering the skin.
  • Pull ticks away with slow and steady motion from the fur of your puppy or dog or slide the removal tool along his skin. Always keep in mind never to jerk, squeeze, puncture or crush the tick. For the safety of your adorable dog, read the directions on each commercial dog tick control tool before using it.
  • Post removing the ticks, directly place the tick inside a sealable container. Sanitize the area surrounding the bite site by using standard measures.
  • Keep the ticks alive for at least a month lest tick-borne disease symptoms develop. Place this in a sealed, labeled vial or bag with a paper towel that is lightly moistened and finally store it at refrigerator temperature.

Follow these guidelines to keep your adorable dogs away from ticks. You can also avail the benefits of some of the best preventives for controlling ticks from Indian Pet Store, the best online pet store in India.

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