Brushes and combs, a must have in pet grooming

Dog brushes, Dog combs online, Online Dog grooming kit, Dog grooming tool, Dog flea remover, Pet ticks Control, pet care India, Online pet store in IndiaA dog’s hair requires regular maintenance and care to remove mats, lice. Tangles, ticks, and mites. Such Mane  care is as important as giving food, water and regular exercise to your pet. This forms the first step in grooming of dog. Regular combing helps in stimulating the natural oil in its skin and in giving its coat a shiny and healthy look.

Periodic combing and brushing of a pooch’s hair helps in preventing the hair from falling on the clothes, carpets and in other areas of the house.

The right comb and brushing techniques generally depends on your pet companion’s, hair type. This forms the basis of dog grooming or Dog grooming kit.

The main three types of brushes available are bristles, wire-pin and slicker. Bristle brushes can be used to comb all type of dogs. Whereas wire-pin is generally suited for dogs with long, curly or woolly coats.

Generally retrievers and hounds can be brushed using a soft to medium spaced brush with closely spaced bristles. A slicker or firm bristled brush with short closely spaced bristles works well on Terriers. Spaniels and Lhasa Apsos having medium to long flowing coats can brushed with medium to wide spaced brush.

Here I would like a special mention about the use of steel comb with wooden handle to kick out fleas and ticks immediately. This can be easily purchased from the online site  of IndiaPetStore.

The double sided wooden brush and pets’ slicker brush available in both steel and plastic body makes for an ideal brush facilitating easy removal of fleas from the body of both dogs and cats. This can be purchased at the click of a button through online shopping from IndianPetStore.

Choose a flea Comb for your pet to avoid the nuisance and headache of fleas and ticks. It is also the most efficient and natural way to make your furry friend comfortable for which your pet will love you all the   more.