Fleas and ticks- Deal it with a side-effects free flea medication

Fleas and ticks- Deal it with a side-effects free flea medication

     Pet lovers take so much care of their pets such as dogs and cats and many more. They go up to the extent of not only considering them as their very own privileged family member but also as their very own child.
     From dog foods to dog toys, various accessories to make their life cozy and rosy and what not is taken care of in detail so that the dogs stay in the best possible way. And when despite taking so much extreme care of dogs, when they become ill and do not enjoy life, dog lovers become depressed and how they feel is far from imagination.
     In the context of problems faced by dogs, fleas and ticks could easily be considered as one of the most problematic problems faced by dogs ever as it is such a bad case of infestations that lives right on the blood of dogs in their skin coats that do not let pooches to live peacefully.
     When fleas and ticks strike, the dogs become dull and stop enjoying a life that they used to simply have a ball at, reject foods and do not go on a walk with owners and just like to sit in one corner of the house sleeping. Given the intensity of fleas and ticks, it must be dealt with a side-effects free flea medication as taking a normal medication may give rise to side-effects based complications such as Lyme’s disease and Tapeworms and could make the condition worse.
     That’s where such an advent of a side-effects free flea medication becomes so relevant. A dog lover must not take any of the flea medication thinking it to be working if it’s expensive and take advice from a qualified vet doctor on it.
     Take a dignified yet corrective step to pick up a side-effect free flea medication to cure fleas and ticks from the root and get the health, peace and happiness of your darling pooch back.
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Taking care of fleas and ticks the better way

Taking care of fleas and ticks the better way

Fleas and ticks are a real problem and they must be tackled very carefully in order to protect the pet from all problems. Whenever fleas and ticks infect a pet, the owner gets very anxious and tries all kinds of ways to make the pet flea free. When fleas and ticks infected my dog, I was ready to do anything to protect it from fleas and ticks. However, I soon realized that a holistic approach is always better.

I washed my pet properly so that it gets free from all dirt and pests. I dried it properly and then started my holistic way of treating it from ticks and fleas started.

I took some Diatomaceous earth and applied it all over its body. I had read somewhere that this earth kills the fleas and ticks by dehydrating the body of ticks and fleas. I was surprised to see that my dog had stopped scratching in just ten minutes. I made him wear a veterinary cone so that it does not lick its body.

I also spread some Diatomaceous earth all over the carpet and rug and even all over my dog’s bed.

I also apply some neem juice all over the skin of my pet, as neem is a wonderful antiseptic.

During the nighttime, I apply some lavender oil on my dog’s shoulder blade. I did all these things for few days and my dog was completely free from fleas and ticks in just few days.

In case you are having a pet cat then do not try to apply natural oils, as cats are allergic to these.

I hope all pet lovers will try out these methods and will benefit from them as well.

For more information visit at http://www.indianpetstore.com

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