what are the benefits of dog crates

what are the benefits of dog crates

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     Usually people think that dog crates are used for just caging the pet. This is a very wrong notion as there are various usages of dog crate, which will actually protect the dog from any kind of accidental issue.
     For instance if you are out for work and you cannot leave your pet in the room alone, it is better to put him in a dog crate. This will prevent any kind of accident; the dog may accidently put its paws in a plug point. The pet may try to bite a cord, which if live will give terrible shock to the pet. There have been instances when pets have fallen in pray of such unfortunate incidents and there was no one to look after the pet.
     Just imagine that you have a pet in the house and someone tries to break in. the dog tried to defend the person but what if he shoots the dog or hits it with a knife. The dog cannot defend itself and anyways it will be killed and the house will be robbed. So then, what is the use on tying the dog to the gate or to anywhere else?
     It is therefore better to put the dog in a crate and put the crate in the house or in the room. These were just few of the benefits of using dog crates. One must therefore have a dog crates and it is used to carry pet to anywhere you are going. May be to the vet or to some other place, you can always use the dog crate for this purpose.
     Therefore, one must always use dog crates and make sure that your pet is in safe hands.
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