Dog shampoo: The best way to keep your dog hair healthy

Dog shampoo: The best way to keep your dog hair healthy

     The market is overriding with shampoos from every big and small brand out there. As a result, you must be overwhelmed by the variety of them as well as in a dilemma on what is good and what is not for your pooch. You might think that what the need of a dog shampoo is when it can just be bathed with a simple bar of soap but it is not simple as that. Dog shampoos are required to clean as well as treat various skin related ailments and conditions. Sometimes, dog shampoos are also manufactured keeping in mind the fur of your dog.

     Dog shampoos are available in various shapes and sizes including medicated shampoos, shampoos meant for pets with white fur, shampoos for flea and ticks, shampoos meant for dogs with sensitive skin, et al. Do not try to use human shampoo on your dog since human shampoos tend to dry out the dog skin thus making your pet’s skin itchy as well as flaky therefore it is better that you use a dog shampoo rather than any other shampoo.

Tips on how to choose the right dog shampoo

  • Normal shampoo – If you want to limit your pooch’s exposure to harsh chemicals, make sure that you read the labels of the shampoos very carefully. Try choosing a natural as well as herbal shampoo which is made of pure natural ingredients especially one which is free of paraben. This substance which is a preservative is linked to cancer.
  • Shampoo for sensitive skin – In case your pet has a sensitive skin and are prone to allergies, seasonal dryness or hot spots, try to select a shampoo with oatmeal and aloe vera. Both these ingredients are known to soothe your dog’s skin in a short period of time. Not only that, these substances in a dog shampoo will also help to heal it in the long term.

     These were some basic steps on how to choose the right shampoo for your pooch. You can purchase other specific shampoos as per the requirements of your dog.

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Give quality laced dog foods as a New Year gift to maintain a healthy self

Give quality laced dog foods as a New Year gift to maintain a healthy self

It is equally important to maintain the quality of dog foods as it is important to maintain the quality of our food. This is because if dogs are not given a good diet they will be subjected to many health problems so there must be no compromise while giving them a proper diet.
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Most dog owners feel that quality food must only include meat and meat products but it is not the same. Here some vital points have been mentioned regarding the quality of dog foods, let look at them.

Some healthy food option for dogs

Berries:- All types of berries are good for dogs in the similar manner as they are good for humans. Whether it is strawberry or blueberry, they will show the same benefit to dogs as they will show to humans, like fighting free radicals, cancer, and other digestive related problems. So while you have berries every day, give some to your dog as well.

Cottage cheese:-  This is another item that you can include in dog foods; cheese is a healthy option and will do much benefit to your dog. You can easily give low fat cheese to your dog every day in small quantity and observe how it reacts to this healthy food option.

Salmon:- Salmon is a healthy choice for your K-9. It has loads of protein in it, which will keep your dog energetic and active all day long. In fact salmon is a better choice than white or red meat as it does not contain much fat. Give it in the form of backing or boiled and it will love it for sure.

Apples:- Apples are good for you as well as for your furry friend. It will protect it from some form of cancer along with providing some health benefits.

Include these dog foods in your diet and see how your pooch glows with good health. These will indeed be a new year gift for your dog.

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New born dog health care tips revealed

New born dog health care tips revealed

  Dog health, Dog Care,Pet Store,Online Pet Store,Online Pet Store India,Pet Shop,Pet shop Online,Pet Supplies,Wholesale pet supplies,Pet Products   Dog care tips are important for all the canine lovers so that they can care their pet in a proper manner. Pets like dogs showers their faithfulness and loyalty to their owners and hence the humans prefer these animals as their companions. In return all they want is your little attention and love. To give them what they truly deserve owners can care them in proper manner to boost their energy and maintain their health.

     Dog care is a simple art, you don’t have to do PHD in the subject, just a little knowledge and few steps to understand the tips and that’s it! All you have to do is to shower your affection, love and care towards them. They are the true companions for old age owners as they can protect their masters from immediate danger, and they can be trained in such a way that they can bring newspaper for them, and can even help people in crossing the road as well.

Here are given few dog care tips for owners:

  • The pet requires a plenty of attention so that he can get close to their master. To get closer to your pet all you required is to spend more time with them.
  • Dog collars plays an important role in caring the pet, the information on the collars such as the name of the owner and address will help dog to reach to owners if in case they get lost.
  • It is important for owners to stay updated on flea control medicines and vaccination to give to pets to protect dog health.
  • Masters needs to study about the dog food to give. They should always keep contact to the veterinarian for all the tips and necessary moves to follow.
  • Obedience training is must for pet that every master should teach to their pets to make the life of pet easier and comfortable.

     Dog health and dog care tips are strongly related to each other. Learn the above tips and care for your pets in a more precise manner!

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Tips for flea and tick control from the dog

Tips for flea and tick control from the dog

flea control, ticks control,flea and ticks remover,Online Pet Store,Online Pet Store India,Pet Shop,Pet shop Online,Pet Supplies,Wholesale pet supplies,Pet Products Flea and ticks, they are extremely troubling, blood sucking parasites occur on your darling pet. To minimize and control their occurrence on your pet it is essential to take some safety measures. Here are given tips to control the fleas from your pet, read them and accordingly protect your pet to get varieties of diseases and skin infections.

By using the perfect side effect free medication and natural methods to control fleas on the pet one can minimize the chance of below disease on them:

  • Lyme disease
  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
  • Heartworm
  • Skin infections and inflammation
  • Skin dermatitis
  • Viral fever

     Let your pet live healthy and happy, make a new year resolution to give them a perfect joyful life and for that providing them a proper care, visiting a veterinarian on a regular basis is important.

Natural ways helps best in controlling fleas from your pet, medicines which have insect growth regulators are considered as the best medicines to control the flea attack on the pets. Lemmon sprays, eucalyptus leaves and vinegar sprays are old age methods to repel the flea attack on the dogs. Use the best of remedies and side effect free treatment to save your darling dog.

Buy flea and tick control medicines from trusted online shop Indian Pet Store, by ordering now one can also get new year discount offers along with free shipping facility. So what are you waiting for? Get the perfect solution for the flea problems and stops the growth of fleas on pets and also prevent the future flea attack on the pets.

One can also use the flea trap to kill the fleas around your pet. Prefer natural ways to tackle with fleas to avoid any mishap on your pet. Be safe while handling the health of your pet, do not give overdose of any medication, and consult the veterinarian if you have seen any major side effect on the pet.

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Flea treatments to fight fleas and ticks without side-effects

The problem of fleas and ticks

Flea treatments, tick treatment for dog,Dog ticks,Dog ticks control,Dog ticks medication,Online Pet Store,Online Pet Store India,Pet Shop,Pet shop Online,Pet Supplies,Wholesale pet supplies,Pet Products    Are you fed up of fleas and ticks, the nasty critters that often pose a threat to your pooch’s health? You can now breathe a sigh of relief as there are few alternate flea treatments and tick treatment for dog that will make you feel self-assured that your furry friend will remain flea and tick free all through the year especially during the summer when these pesky creatures are found in plenty. The best part is these natural flea and tick control are without side-effects and hence they are safe on your canine’s coat unlike the chemical based sprays and spot-on that are available in the market.

Natural flea and tick treatment

  • Water: Water works wonders in removing fleas from dogs. As the pesky fleas do not hold onto the hair shafts, these fall in the water and easily drown. Hence a dip in a tub full of water will help in washing away most of the fleas on your dog, if not all. Using a little quantity of dish liquid or a mild shampoo, preferably one that has a citrus base along with regular brushing will help you to get rid of fleas from your canine’s body. This is one of the best flea treatments as fleas are known to ward off by citrus.
  • Essential oils: as ticks are known to carry dangerous bacteria, it is essential to repel them. An effective tick treatment for dog that most people have benefitted from is by using rose geranium oil. Apply this on your dog’s collar to fend off ticks.
  • Vacuuming: Vacuuming thoroughly and regularly especially your dog’s sleeping areas, sofas and cleaning carpets will help to keep fleas and ticks away. Do not forget in emptying the vacuum bag or adding borate powder or diatomaceous earth to the bag. This is one of the most effective flea treatments for dogs that are sans side effect.

      Say goodbye to systemic pesticides and try your hands on the effective natural remedies to ward off fleas and ticks. Avail the benefits of the above mentioned tick treatment for dog and gift your companion a healthy life free from fleas and ticks.

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No more dog ticks with these simple steps

No more dog ticks with these simple steps

     How to remove the attached dog ticks? Are you facing the same situation well, do not worry a simple pair of tweezers and some special tick removal instruments can help you out. These will help you to remove the ticks without squeezing them. How to do this? Well below are some steps through them you can do this easily.
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  • Grip the tick from the head right from the place where they enter your dog’s skin. Do not grab the tick from the body.
  • Without lurching, pull confidently and steadily right outward.
  • Do not apply petroleum jelly or alcohol over tick to remove him because these will not remove them instead these will make the tick to deposit disease-carrying drool in the wound.
  • Later of removing the tick, put it in an alcohol jar in order to kill it. This is because ticks are not destroyed by flushing them in the toilet.
  • Clean the wound with a sanitizer and wash your hands meticulously.

     Do not even try remove or dispose a tick with your fingers as the saliva of tick can transmit disease. After removing a tick manually from your pooch’s skin, it is rare to face a skin reaction. A small amount of disinfectant will help to avoid the irritation, but complete healing of a wound could take time of a week or more.

In few cases, a tick bite becomes a permanent scar by leaving a hairless area over your canine’s skin. These days you can order tweezers or any other tick removal instruments online from the comfort of your home.

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Cat grooming also needs expertise, why?

Cat grooming also needs expertise, why?

Cats are delicate animals as compared to dogs and for that owners need to be extra caring and sweet towards them to avoid any mishap. And when considering grooming for them owner has to learn few basic tips to do it well.

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Cats love the attention of their pets and to keep them in a good mood it is essential for you to learn how to please them. Making their lives easy and comfortable being their owner it’s up to you to handle these little creatures.

When considering grooming your cat, keep it as a fun activity. Let your cat play in the water and enjoy as much as they want, continue talking with them to stay them in a good mood.

Be gentle with them, learn from your previous mistakes and emerged as a good owner for them. Provide them brushing, bathing, cleaning and combing sessions to make them look prettier.

Cat grooming requires expertise, get the grooming equipment’s to do it perfectly and smoothly. Do not act harshly, learn how to handle equipment’s and slowly use them on the cats.

Get the professional help, ask the veterinarian about more about cat grooming, what to do and what not. Learn how to entertain them to keep them busy. Cats are extremely temperamental animals to keep them easy learn the ways to keep a hold on them to manage things smoothly.

Care is the first thing to do, to make a place in your cat’s heart. Groom them, treat them and spend quality time with them to gain expertise in handling them.

Get the help from Indian Pet Store in getting grooming equipment’s, clothes and flea and tick control medication. Visit the site and get huge discounts and free shipping facility for your purchase.

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Dog shampoo for a better dog grooming

Dog shampoo for a better dog grooming

     Groom your dog to make them look stunning and gentle. By providing your pet with great grooming sessions by means of good quality products will help you not only keeping your pet stylish but it will also help your pet from staying away from attack of fleas and ticks. It will also help in removing bad odor from their fur.

Dog shampoo,Dog grooming,Dog grooming tips,Pet Store,Online Pet Store,Online Pet Store India,Pet Shop,Pet shop Online,Pet Supplies,Wholesale pet supplies,Pet Products     To groom means cleaning them thoroughly and to check for infections in them. It is compulsory to provide your pet with grooming sessions 2 to 3 times in 2 weeks. Grooming your pet with proper techniques to ensure the perfection is a task and for that here are given few steps to involve while cleaning your pet:

  • Bathe your pet with warm water and use good dog shampoos and conditioners such as Isle of dog’s epo veterinary shampoo and oat-coat conditioning anti-itch pet shampoo. Also use clean coating dog shampoo isle of dogs. These products will help you in removing various bacteria and flea egg and larva from the pet’s body. And these products will help you in maintaining your pet’s coat shiny and vibrant.
  • After bathing use a clean towel to soak the water. Use a fine toothed comb, they are good for hair health and regrowth. They are proven ideal for most of the dogs. Rounded pins of such fine toothed comb provide extra comfort and gives massage action. Removes dirt, fallen hairs and also helps prevent hair from being matted.
  • After this let them dry in the sun. The use of shampoo will also remove ticks and hidden parasites from the fur.

     Dog grooming by using dog shampoo and best grooming equipment’s is the best way to care your pet. So what are you waiting for? Buy the best grooming kit from Indian Pet Store and get discount offers and free shipping!

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Cure Fleas in Dogs with these Tips

All about fleas in dogs

Is your pet dog constantly scratching here and there? Then he has definitely been attacked by the pesky fleas. These nasty little buggers thrive on your pooch’s blood for survival and at times also transmit diseases. Keep all your worries at bay as natural remedies are the answer for all pet lovers like you. Along with being safe, these are easily available and above all safe on your lovely canine’s coat. Following are some of the best all-natural solutions to keep your pooch itch-free within no time.

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Tips to cure fleas the natural way

  • Apple Cider Vinegar: 1 teaspoonful of apple cider vinegar mixed to your canine’s drinking water will turn it acidic thereby making it not at all tasty for the annoying fleas. Alternatively you can dilute apple cider vinegar in equal proportion with water (50/50) and pour this concoction into a spray bottle. Using this as a repellent will help to kill fleas in dogs naturally.
  • Rosemary Flea Dip: Mix two cups fresh rosemary with water and bring it to boil for at least half an hour. Strain the mixture, remove the leaves and finally add this to a gallon containing warm water depending on your dog’s size. Make sure that the mixture is cool yet still warm. Pour it over your pooch till he is soaked and allow him to dry naturally. This work wonders to ward off fleas from dogs.
  • Brewer’s Yeast: Mix a small amount of brewer’s yeast in your canine’s food. Akin to prescription medications yet much healthier, brewer’s yeast is excreted through the dog’s skin thereby making him less attractive towards fleas. For best results consult your vet for the proper dosage depending on your pooch’s weight.
  • Diatomaceous Earth: While vacuuming, put diatomaceous earth in the bag for ensuring that all fleas are killed and if necessary steam clean carpets and furniture. One of the most effective tips is to leave a lamp overnight underneath a bowl containing soapy water. The light will help in attracting fleas which will finally drop dead into the water. This is a good way to kill fleas in dogs naturally.

Try these natural remedies and keep your lovely pooch away from the pesky fleas forever.

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How to Find the Right Dog Feeding Bowls?

All about dog feeding bowls

Are you a dog owner who is on the lookout for a dog feeder or bowl to feed your precious pooch? You are at the right place. There is good news for all dog owners like you as Indian Pet Store, one of the most leading online dog stores has unveiled a variety of dog bowls including designer dog bowls. These are available in various materials, styles and colors.
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Choosing a dog bowl that is right for your lovely friend can be easy if you follow the following tips carefully before you shop. Always look for bowls that are easy to clean, are durable and dishwasher safe. Also consider its size, is safe and is spill or tip proof.

Tips for buying dog feeding bowls

No two dogs are alike hence choosing the right dog feeding bowl largely depends on your friend’s special needs. Always select one that will not cause any allergy and will also be safe as well as easy to clean. Following are some of the tips to choose the right dog bowl.

  • Always buy a bowl that is of good quality and is also durable. Avoid pottery and lightweight glass bowls as they tend to break easily. Also avoid light plastic bowls that dogs can easily chew and move.
  • Choose the right size of bowl keeping in mind the size and weight of your dog.
  • You can try your hands at elevated feeders as these are comfortable especially for aging dogs. To add to it, these designer dog bowls are easy to clean and sweep around and are apt for messy eaters.
  • A bowl holder is good for preventing bowls from sliding or skidding around the floor.
  • Deep and narrow feeders are also a good choice provided you own a long-eared dog. This dog feeding bowls will enable your furry friend to drink without letting his ears touching the water.

You can buy the best dog bowl at affordable prices from Indian Pet Store, one of the foremost online dog stores. Hurry; order now and feed your pooch in style.

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