Adult Dog Training Guide

Adult Dog Training Guide

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We generally give training to dogs at puppy age but some time dog need to be trained at adult age for various purposes. This will help to perform special tasks. The advantage of adult dog training is dogs are well mature and can be easily controlled.

Following adult dog training guide will help you to train your adult dog.

1) Do medical examination: 

The first thing you have to do is dog’s medical examination by pet vet. Look for disease, diagnose those and take actions to correct them. Use medical treatment if required. Make dog free from all diseases.

2) Use a Crate and not choke chain:

Assume your dog is a puppy and then start training. Start training using crate; it will give you good control on dogs. Keep dog in a crate when you are not able to supervise him. Never use choke chains , it may cause injuries or dog may become more aggressive. Instead of choke chain use dog harness.

3) Give lots of treats:

Always reward your dog after completion of a training session by giving treats, this will inspire dog to perform better.

4) Be patience:

Adult dog may not obey orders given by you, but don’t be angry, have patience and repeat the order until dog follows it. Don’t punish the dog for mistakes but also make sure that misbehavior must be corrected. Never encourage dog for wrong behavior; it will create problems for you.

5) Set rules:

Always try to have session less than 15 minutes per day. Familiar dog with your home and home surroundings and then start training. Teach simple task in early stages and then teach difficult tasks. Try to manage sessions before lunch or breakfast. Use a variety of dog toys and dog accessories for better results.  All these rules will help dog owners to complete a successful training session.

These are quick facts about adult dog training guide, you can use this trick during training of your dogs and you will get good results.

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Fine quality pet accessories: A must have for your pet

Fine quality pet accessories: A must have for your pet

It has been found that more than three in five Americans own a pet, either a cat or a dog. They love their pets so much so that they consider it to be a part of their family and because of this they go to the extent of buying extravagant pet accessories for their pets. Would you do the same and pamper your pet with these unique accessories for your pet.

  • Pet High Chair – Pets, especially cats and dogs are in a habit of scavenging for food scraps under the table but only if you are on the table. Pet high chairs can be attached to the table and at the same time adjustable. This can ensure that your pooch is at eye level.

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Dog shampoo helps in dog grooming

Dog shampoo helps in dog grooming

Although animals can groom themselves quite well but still they need our help in grooming. Grooming them properly will keep them free from all dirt and germs. It will also help them develop a better hygiene habit. So let’s look why shampooing helps in proper dog grooming.

Dog shampoo is very essential in keeping the dog clean

Dogs whether they have fur or not, they require shampooing and cleaning. They are exposed to germs and dirt and improper cleaning will make them sink and ill.

Dogs stay in our company; they sleep with us in our bed and sofa so if we are not cleaning our pets then more than them we will fall sick. Dogs are exposed to germs especially when they go out for a walk or play in the lawn. So just like, we wash our hands and feet after coming from outside, dogs too require the same cleaning habit.

Dogs are exposed to fleas and ticks so they must be cleaned properly with a good dog shampoo. If you do not shampoo your hair for several weeks or days, you will develop dandruff and the same rule applies to the dog as well. Therefore, it is very essential that you shampoo the dog with a good dog shampoo.

The most important thing to remember is to use an herbal dog shampoo. Herbal shampoo is delicate and it will suit all types of dogs. It will suit even a puppy or a dog with sensitive skin type. Most importantly dog, shampoo will clear the pores of the dog skin so that the skin can stay healthy.

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Good quality dog grooming accessories for your dog

Good quality dog grooming accessories for your dog

     Dog grooming as well as dog grooming accessories is an important part of dog care routine and choosing the best is your duty. It is extremely important for the owner to see that his/her dog is properly groomed and is done on a regular basis. This process involves a host of different tasks that are all planned for the well-being of your pet and some of them include proper bathing and brushing for the pet as well as taking care of other body parts. Below are given some indispensable dog accessories that you will need as part of the dog grooming.

  • Brushes and combs – Different dogs have different types of hair therefore it’s no surprise that there will be so many types of different dog brushes available. It is one of the most basic dog grooming accessories. Try to select a brush that is best suited for your dog. It is better to have more than one brush or comb for the benefit of your dog.

     Bristle brushes work well almost all hair types while wire pin brushes best for dogs with medium to long hair. Wire pin brushes are best used for dogs with long hair while slicker brushes break up tangles as well as mats and flea combs are used for detecting fleas. Shedding tools are equipped with special teeth that help in removing excess hair from double coated breeds thus reducing shedding.

  • Dog shampoos – Another one of the most important dog grooming accessories is dog shampoos. Your dog bathing is more effective when you use the right shampoo and always try to choose a dog shampoo which is soap-free and meant for dog usage. Tear free shampoos protect your dog’s eyes during baths while oatmeal shampoos are designed to soothe mildly irritated skin and at the same time ease itching.

     Other dog grooming accessories such as dog ear cleaners, scissors and nail clippers should also be included in the kitty. This way, you can have a complete dog grooming session.

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How to select a dog shampoo?

How to select a dog shampoo?

     There are many dog shampoos in the stores built not all of them will suit your dog. You need to do some homework regarding the same. Well I too have an adorable pooch in my house and I followed these tips before buying the right kind of dog shampoo for my dear furry friend.

Tips to buy a dog shampoo

The shampoo must suit the dog skin

Just like humans, every dog has a different skin type. They too have a dry skin, oily skin and sensitive skin. Dogs with sensitive skin cannot be given bath with a strong flea control shampoo. Therefore, it is better to first consult a vet regarding the type of shampoo that will suit your dog and then buy it.

Look at the ingredient of the shampoo

It is better to look at the ingredients of the shampoo and then only buy it. This is because the dog shampoo may have artificial color and scent which may irritate the pet. This is one reason why most vets suggest for herbal shampoos and they can suggest you names of such products.

Check out the PH level of the shampoo

Check out the PH level of the dog shampoo before buying it. The PH level of the dog shampoo must be always lower than that of a human shampoo. This proves that the shampoo will be mild on the dog.

Natural shampoo

Natural shampoo will do well to your dog and to your pocket as well. There are various natural remedies and home product shampoo that will keep your dog free from all dirt and pests. It is always better to choose such natural things, as they are not harmful at all.

Check the quality of a shampoo

It is better to check the quality of a shampoo and incase the shampoo is not showing any effectiveness then there is no point in using that.

     These things are very essential in selecting a dog shampoo.

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some best puppy training tips

some best puppy training tips

     Just had an addition in your family? Well the puppy is no less than a doll for all family members. It is getting pampered and is being called by different cute names by everyone. Yes, a puppy is no less than a baby is but do not spoil it and follow some puppy training tips.

Some effective puppy training tips


The puppy is a baby so it needs training. Every morning take the puppy out so that it can answer the nature’s call without making the house dirty. Take the puppy out twice a day and you must make arrangement so that incase it feels like relieving itself sometime in the middle of the day, it has arrangements for the same.

Reward its good behavior

Whenever the puppy does something good, reward it with a treat. It does not have to be large one, but a small treat will do. This is one of the essential puppy training tips. If it does any mistake, do not scold or yell at it. Just avoid it for some time. Remember that when you can make mistakes, do not expect the puppy to be perfect. Take help from professional to train it in the right manner.

Do not over feed the pet

Do not over feed the puppy at any cost, as it will not be healthy for it. Often people tend to show their love by means of over feeding a puppy so this must be avoided at all cost. This is one of the basic puppy training tips and must be followed at all cost.

Do not leave the puppy alone

     In case the puppy feels alone or does not like to stay in the house alone then do not leave it alone. If dogs or puppies are given a very negative atmosphere then they tend to become very aggressive or depressed.

     Follow these basic puppy-training tips and ensure that your puppy stays happy and healthy.

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Pet accessories to make your pet smart

Pet accessories to make your pet smart

     Many of pet owners love to accessories their pets and all thanks to rising popularity of dog fashions concerts and craziness of owners for their loving and spoil canines. Yes many owners love to accessories their pets and try to find out different shops which offer the best pet accessories.

     The Indian Pet Store offers different and all innovative pet accessories for pets. One can buy varieties of dog clothes, hats, sweaters, neck accessories, socks and shoes for their pets from this online shop. They also offer dog collars, leashes, bows, attractive beads, crates and barrettes for your loving pet.

     The pet accessories such as sweaters will help your pet to maintain their body temperature during winters. Dog collars and leashes will help owners to control their pets during training sessions as well. Dog crates will protect your pets from all the extreme weather and from intruders as well.

     Pet accessories like dog clothes and other ornaments will enhance their outer appearance and other accessories will provide an extremely comfortable life for your pet. And medicinal accessories such as flea control products will protect your pet from parasite attacks and will avoid the dangerous diseases on them.

     With necessary pet accessories also buy grooming kit for your pet to clean them and to remove bad odor from them. Visit the online shop Indian Pet Store and avail all the necessary pet products at reasonable prices. Give your pet a perfect smart look and healthy life in return of their unconditional love for you. Also it is necessary to vaccinate them time to time, also take them to the veterinarian regularly to keep watch on their health.

     Give your pet a complete makeover this season and be a proud owner of a smart pooch.

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Dog grooming for your dog’s great health

Dog grooming for your dog’s great health

The health of your dog and their well-being reflects your care for your sweetheart. Starting daily routine care of your pet’s skin and fur will help them look at their best. Every day grooming will ultimately keep them healthy and away from attack of bacteria causing infections.

The best time for dog grooming is after completion of the walk of your pet. At this time they are trying to relax themselves and open for all the attention from their owners.

Pet’s love to grab the attention of their owners and thus tempt to look good and flaunt their beauty. Your little pooch’s love the hugs and kisses which they receive from other family members. For that grooming them with guaranteed dog cleaning products is essential, this will help to remove bad odor from them and will add stars to their beauty.

Here is given the list of dog grooming products to buy from a trusted shop such as Indian Pet Store for the better health of your pet.

  • Fine toothed comb to kill the fleas
  • Bath accessories
  • Odor remover
  • Stain remover
  • Pet hair remover
  • Shampoos and conditioners
  • Deodorizers
  • Nail clippers
  • Flea control products
  • Ear cleaner
  • Diapers
  • Dental care products

One must clean the dog skin to preserve their outer coat. Cleaning will also help pets stay protected from flea and tick attacks. Grooming is the easiest way to show that you care for your dog and to protect them from potential health problems.

You can also seek the help of experts and veterinarian to take the care of your pet in a more precise way! Buy the best pet accessories, dog clothes and dog foods online from Indian Pet Store at affordable prices.

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Flea treatments with good flea medication

Flea treatments with good flea medication

Flea treatments must always be natural so that they can kill fleas and at the same time is gentle on puppies and kittens. Fleas and ticks are a serious problem and they cause much trouble to the pet. If there are too much fleas and ticks in pets then these pests also attack the pet owner at times. Some fleabites are so severe that it can cause pain in the entire body and along with it may cause severe infection.

Some natural flea treatment dog

Lemon treatment

When fleas and ticks infected my pet, I used lemon spray on them. Many flea treatments available in stores claim that they have herbal ingredients like lemon, which is natural and free from any side effects. I do not trust such advertisement, so I choose to make my own flea spray with lemon. I just one lemon into four and then boiled them for a few minutes, I allowed them to stay overnight in water and then in the morning used the solution.

Lavender oil

Lavender oil is a very good flea treatment dog. I apply a few drops of this herbal oil on my pet’s body after giving it a bath and towel drying it. Fleas do not like the fragrance of lavender oil and thus few drops of it keep them away.

Brewer’s yeast

Brewer’s yeast is one of the best flea treatments that can be given to dogs. It can be mixed in the food of dogs but one must the vet for the right dose of the same. This thing makes the dog’s skin less attractive to fleas and ticks.

I used these simple flea treatments for my pet and it was cured in just a few weeks. The best thing about these treatments is that they are 100% natural and side effect free.

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How dog toys play a better role in keeping a dog pleased

How dog toys play a better role in keeping a dog pleased

     Animals also need companions and some source of entertainments just like humans. They love to spend time with something, which will keep them engaged especially in those hours when you are not able to give it time. A dog plays with its toy and at time even finds the toy to be its companion.

     The dog loves to play with its toy and at times, it becomes very possessive as well. Here are some top reasons as to why a puppy must be given a toy to play.

Toys are an essential part of dog care

When a puppy grows then it requires something with which it can play. This is because just like human kids, puppies also have a natural tendency to explore their surrounding world. Dogs must be given toys, as they are an essential part of dog care.

     Puppies need something to chew when they are growing up. This is because the teeth of puppies become sore and they feel comfortable to chew something. During this time, they can be given some toys, which are not hard on their teeth and at the same time will satisfy their continuous urge to chew or bite on something.

     It is better to give dogs/puppy toys, which will not harm them in any way. For instance, do not give them plastic or any other toys, which are too small and can chock them to death. A dog plays with its toys and has a natural tendency to chew hard any projected part of the toy.

     Dogs want love and affection, there are however times when we cannot show this love, and affection may be because of our busy schedule. So it is better that one gives their pet some toys which will not only please the dog but will also keep it happy. Select the toy very cautiously and let your puppy enjoy with it.

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