Which dog collar is safe for dogs

Which dog collar is safe for dogs

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Classic Dog Collar

Which dog collar is safe for dogs? This question looks simple but the answer is quite difficult. Because dog collar come in different types and for different purposes but not all are safe. If you use them wisely and as per instructions most of dog collars are safe.

I have listed below few safe dog collars.

Simple collar :  If your dogs don’t have any issue and not aggressive, simple collar is the best option. These are considered as safest collars.

You can have it for daily use. These come in leather, synthetic, nylon, fabrics etc. Leather collar is most popular among those considered as safe and non-toxic. These are more durable and you can have a name tag, vaccination tag along with this.

Slip collar :  If your dog has behavior issue or issue with the walking slip collar is the best option for you. These come with leash, name tag, identification tag. To correct misbehavior of dog just firm pull sideways on the leash. Never pull straight back, your dog will pull against you. Always keep this mind that dog safety is most important so use collar carefully. If you don’t know how to use it, take help from professional trainer.

Harness :  Dog harness is the safest dog collar. Some dog collar can cause injuries to neck region if you pull them too much. This is completely avoided if you use a harness. These have special purpose if the dog is suffering from respiratory diseases. It gives more comfort and avoids choking of neck. You can use it for training purpose, for doing outdoor activity, during travelling purpose.

Before buying any dog collar always discuss with pet vet. Also look for health issue of dog if the dog really needs any help from you assist them.

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