What are most important Cat grooming tips

What are most important Cat grooming tips

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 Cat itself are good groomer but still for better health and better body physique cat need some grooming after specific time interval. Ideally at very younger stage you can start cat grooming because they will get familiar at this stage. At an adult stage you will find it difficult to train cat for grooming. You need to do some basic grooming after specific time interval. I will tell you some Cat grooming tips may be as below.

     Combing : Combing is one of important Cat grooming tips; it will help to remove loose and matted hair. Combing also prevent hairballs which are formed in cats stomach after swallowing too much hair during grooming. Wide teethed comb for longhaired cats and fine-toothed combs for shorter coats are recommended for good combing. Generally combing is done in the direction of hair growth to remove any knots and tangles.
     Brushing : Brushing helps detangle and removes dead and matted hair from cat’s coat. A wire slicker brush or soft bristle brushes are used by most of pet owners. A regular brushing and combing habit will make coat shiny and skin healthier.
     Nail trimming : To cut nails you can buy good cat nail scissors or trimmers. Start with front paw and cut only clear hooked portion of nail. Do it quickly to avoid painful experience. Don’t cut too much deep otherwise bleeding may happen.
     Shampooing : After combing, brushing and nail trimming now it turn to do Shampooing. Use shampoo specially made for cat or kittens. Use hot water mixed with cold water and shampoo gently. Use sponge to lather shampoo and cotton towel to make cat dry. Follow this practice at least weekly once or twice.
     Head Cleaning: During grooming session also check cat’s ears, eye, face, teeth and gums. Sometime these organs may need cleaning by you.
     These are some important Cat grooming tips you can follow if you have cat at your home.
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