Dog feed: How much to feed daily

Dog feed: How much to feed daily

Dog Food Online, Dog Food Store, Buy Dog Food, Pet Store, Pet Shop, Pet Supplies, Online Pet Store, Online Pet Shop, Pet Products , Wholesale Pet ProductsDo you have dog? How much do you feed him? Your answer will be bowl full at a time, Right? Yes, normal tendency is we feed them bowl full of any food item. But If you feed him extra, they might become obese and might develop so many health complications. If you feed less, they will be under nutrition and will start eating anything that look like food. So what is right amount of food to be given to your dog?

Every dog has its own food requirement as per calorie need. Some facts about this are 

  • Food requirement depend upon calorie requirement.
  • Calorie requirement depend upon activity level.
  • Daily activity level decides how much calorie dog need.
  • Every breed has its own energy requirement.
  • Male and female dog of same breed may have different energy requirement.
  • Puppy needs more food as compare to adult dog.
  • BMI calculation of you dog will give you much more freedom to plan daily food chart of your dog.

As of we know that activity and calorie need decides food requirement. You can consult with your pet vet to determine BMI and calorie need which help you to plan food need of your pet.

But before planning food plan of your dog, please consider below facts.

  • Food should balance all nutritional requirement of your dog.
  • Generally feeding should be twice for adults, but if you have puppy 3 times you can feed.
  • Try to include all types of food.
  • Calorie need should match daily.
  • Make a habit of feeding at specific time only.
  • Daily exercise is must to stay healthy and awake.
  • Under special health condition, food requirement may change. E.g. if dog has diabetes then food plan completely changes. Pregnant dog’s food requirement is higher than normal dog.

So by considering all these factors we can have a good diet plan of our lovely dog. A pet vet is ideal person to help you about this.

Buy Here :  Dog Food Online | Visit Us :  Pet Shop | Read More : Dog Supplements 

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