Must know puppy care tips for the new comer in the family

Must know puppy care tips for the new comer in the family

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     I have seen some people complaining about various problems that they face when they adopt a new puppy in home. They fail to do some research or hire a professional trainer so that they can know how to train a puppy and blame the poor puppy for everything. I fail to understand why some people cannot release that animals do not have same IQ level as humans so they are not built to understand everything that we expect from them.
     Dogs are the most faithful breed and they deserve love and respect. I strongly feel like sharing some puppy care tips with all my readers so that they can get an idea about raising a puppy in the right manner.
Puppy care tips :

House breaking

     Toilet training the puppy is very important; never scold the puppy after he has done something wrong, as they do not understand the reason for your scolding. They only understand good and bad behavior from you so when it is doing something immediately lift him and take him outside, show him the right place to do it. After he has relieved himself, give him a small treat or pat at his back.
A quiet corner for the puppy

     Puppies love to play and roam all over the house, but they too need a quiet corner to sleep. Before you bring the puppy home, do get a bed for him, and place the bed in such a place where it is quite, bit dark yet quite ventilated. You can keep the dog’s bed in your bedroom and put on the curtain so that he feels safe and secure.
The puppy needs love, care and attention

     The puppy will need love, care, and attention so make sure that if you are adopting a puppy you do not fail to give these things to the puppy. Puppies who are not nurtured with love and care will show behavior problem in the future.
Grooming and vaccination

     Grooming and vaccination is the puppy is very important for the puppy to stay healthy and active. It is said that properly groomed dogs feel good as well. They too enjoy the grooming session and it keeps them active and healthy. Vaccinating the puppy will keep it free from all disease and infection.
     So make sure that these puppy care tips are followed to ensure health and happiness of the puppy.
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