Tips for guard dog training

Tips for guard dog training

Are you planning to get a guard dog? Therefore, you must be wondering how to train the dog for the same. Well here are some tips for the same revealed here which will help you train the dog.

A guard dog is an important asset to the family and the first thing that you do for the guard dog training is to teach the dog to bark at the right time. Some guard dogs bark at almost every time which not only annoys the people of the house but also the members.

Teach the dog to obey and not scare people

     In the guard dog training make sure that you teach the dog not to scare people but to just aware the family in case a stranger comes. These things are very important and must be kept in mind. While keeping a guard dog make sure that you also put a signboard that indicates that there is dog in the house.

The dog must have a sense of judgment

     The guard dog training must include teaching the dog to have a sense of judgment. Some guard dogs will not bark or shout as long a stranger comes and just sits. In case the person tried to touch anything in the room, he will growl and only in extreme case, he will shout loud and alert the family members.

Do not chain the guard dog always

    When the gate of your house is close then you can leave the guard dog open. Chaining the dog always will make it more aggressive. You need to understand the physiology of the dog as well.

Guard dog can be given any food

     It is a wrong concept that feeding meat to a guard dog will make it more aggressive. A guard dog must be fed properly so that it has all the energy and activeness to do its duty properly.

Follow these guard dog training tips to ensure the safety of dog as well as people coming to your house.

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